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HEESEUNG is nervous. 

It's not the kind of nervous that one would feel before an important speech, or the kind they feel before an important job interview that could make or break them. It's the kind of nervous one feels when they're about to propose to their partner and ask to spend the rest of their lives together. 

Jake was his everything, is his everything, and if things end up going wrong between them, he isn't sure he could live without having Jake in his life.

He takes a deep breath, deciding to turn some music on so he isn't too worried. He messes around with the channels, trying to find the one Jake always asks him to play when they're driving together. While he's distracted, he doesn't notice that Jake has just exited his complex, stopping to look for his boyfriend's car.

He smiles when he finds it, and he smiles even harder when Heeseung finally looks up from the radio, catching his eye and lifting a hand to wave. 

Heeseung grins, rolling the window down and sticking his head out to blow a kiss towards his pretty boyfriend. "C'mon, Jaeyun-ah. Don't just stand there forever."

Jake giggles, walking quickly to Heeseung's car. He pulls the door open gently, ducking in and closing the door softly behind him. He smiles over at Heeseung, leaning over to kiss him softly.

"You look amazing," Heeseung whispers against his lips, smiling softly. Jake hums, pulling away and tapping the dash board. 

"I haven't eaten anything all day because I wanted to stuff my mouth with you. Can we please get food?"

Heeseung chuckles, turning the key in the ignition, cooing at the way Jake bounces up and down in his seat like an overexcited child. "Of course, Yunnie."


"Did you pay for all of this?" Jake asks as they step inside the lavish restaurant. Heeseung rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, groaning when Jake elbows him in the side. "Are you kidding?"

"My parents paid for most of it," Heeseung mumbles, wrapping one of his arms around Jake's waist and pulling him forward. "Don't be so mean, Jaeyun-ah," he whines. 

Jake rolls his eyes, pinching his side. "Shut up."

The hostess smiles at the two of them as they approach, eyes lingering on their connected body parts for longer than necessary. "Reservation for Lee?" Heeseung says as a distraction, bringing her attention to his polite mannerisms. He gives  the woman his best smile, pulling Jake closer. "We should be right at the top."

"Ah," she hums after scanning the list, gesturing towards the floor. "Right this way, please."

"Is it just me or is she a little rude," Jake whispers, making sure to keep quiet so the woman doesn't hear them. Heeseung hums, leaning closer so he can press a kiss to the crown of Jake's head.

"Don't focus on her, baby," he whispers back. Jake smiles up at him at the same time that the hostess stops, just shy of a shiny black, winding staircase. 

She turns to them with another smile, this one more relaxed than before. "Your table is right up these stairs. Your server for tonight will be with you shortly."

She bows politely before walking around them, presumably to go fetch whoever is supposed to serve them tonight. Jake stares at Heeseung in disdain, clicking his teeth and frowning. 

Heeseung squeezes his side, gesturing to the stairs with his free hand. "After you."


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