chapter 20.

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*"she should help ha eun, right?...but what if she regrets it later???...she won't be able to do anything then"*
*She told ha eun that she will think about it*
*She was confused and unsure about her feelings for si o so she calls ji won for advice*
M/Y: hello? *She says faintly*
Ji won: hello! ...mi young, what happened? Why do you sound so depressed?
M/Y: it's just that *takes a pause*...I want to tell you something.
Ji won: go ahead.
M/Y: actually, si o confessed his feelings to me and now I am so conf--
Ji won: *interrupted her* what?? What did you say??? *There was shock in her voice and her eyes widened in disbelief*
M/Y: yes, he did... actually that's not important, what's important is that his sister asked for help and told me to bring him to a restaurant for a blind date with another girl and I'm a bit sceptical about it.
Ji won: why? Do you have feelings for him?
M/Y: I don't know...his sudden confession made me unsure about my feelings, you know I never saw him like that because I could never imagine something like this from him, i don't know what I feel.
Ji won: oh! I, you're saying that you don't know if you should help his sister or not because you don't know if you like him or not, right?
M/Y: yes.
Ji won: that's so simple, you just have to bring him to the restaurant and stay there to see if the blind date makes you feel jealous or not, if yes then you love him and just confess to him.
M/Y: what? Stay there? Are you saying that i should stay there to become a third-wheel?
Ji won: no, you don't have to do that, just stay there, not with them but you know sit on another table which is like two or three tables away from them, that way you can overhear their conversation without being a third-wheel.
M/Y: what? No, i won't do that.
Ji won: there's no other way, either you do what I say or just remain confused about your feelings.
M/Y: but still..... eavesdropping is not a good idea.
Ji won: it's okay to do wrong things sometimes... don't worry.

*Is eavesdropping a good idea? Even if she followed her suggestion, Will Mi young be able to do that without getting  caught? What if she gets caught?*
*Mi young couldn't help but overthink, she felt restless now as she wasn't feeling that eavesdropping is a good idea so, she decided not to follow ji won's advice*
M/Y: yes, I won't ever do that...after all, I have some morals, values and principles *shakes head with agreement upon her statement* yes, I won't do it at all.
*Her phone beeps; it's a message from ha eun*
*The message: "I know that you haven't made a decision yet but if you help me, then will you please stay there after bringing him to the restaurant...not with them of course but can you sit on any other table and overhear their conversation?"
M/Y: "I'm sorry but may I ask why?"
Ha eun: "he never gives time to his any blind date even if he goes on one and is always busy on his phone you know working or pretending to be, girls always complain about his behaviour and as a result they don't agree to go on further dates with, if you'll stay there and keep me updated and maybe just record their convo, that way I can teach him a lesson and tell my mother about it since I'll have evidence."
M/Y: "okay ma'am."
*She closes her phone and lets out a sigh of relief*
M/Y:  I know I said that I wouldn't do it but I'm helping her so, i must do what she says, right?
*Nods with agreement* ofcourse Mi young, you're so kind and thoughtful *pats her shoulder with pride*...maybe, I should just rest for now as the problem has been solved......ugh!
Ha eun ma'am is just unbelievable how can she tell me to do something like that? *She says as she rests on the couch, seems like she was relieved after ha eun told her to do it because she of course wanted to do it and now she got a reason*

Author's note:How are you all????
(Yes, our Mi young would never overhear someone's conversations, she's doing it just because ha eun told her😔✋😔😔😔😔)

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