L̶o̶v̶e̶ lie(part 2)

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M/Y: excuse me, can I get one more bottle of soju!
Ah! What a nice day to drink...i think I should just drink till I die.
*She's drunk and her eyes are swollen because of crying*
Why? Why does he only want my money? Why doesn't he talk about our promise? I mean we promised each other that we will date each other after some years when we were in high school because he needed some time...but now, he doesn't talk about it!
*She hiccups ....her cheeks are red too because of drinking*
What if he's just using me??
What if he made that promise to just keep me hanging!
What if he---
*She passes out*
*She hears someone is calling her name*
*She opens her eyes and sees it's her cousin, kang min*
Kang min: hey! Who told you to drink when you can't handle your liquor!
M/Y: who...who are you? Where are you taking me?
Kang min: wow! Alcohol made you forget about me... you're right, i don't know you so I'll just leave you here by yourself, bye I'm going.
*He was about to leave in annoyance when she puked on him*
M/Y: I feel better now.
*His body freezes and he's not able to move because of disgust*
*He takes off his jacket and is taking her  home*
M/Y: hey, Kang min! It hurts!
Kang min: what? Your head?
*She stops walking & puts her hand on her chest*
Here, it hurts here!
No matter how hard I try to ignore everything, nothing seems to be alright...my job is "insignificant", I'm still living as a burden to you and aunt, su ho is not interested in me , he just uses me but still I can't stop liking him.... everything sucks!
Kang min: hey! Are you out of your mind, how are you a burden to us? And why are you talking about that jerk? Did you meet him? Why can't you stop meeting him, stop hurting yourself.
M/Y: I want to...i definitely want to, but I love him...even though......even though he doesn't!
Kang min: so what? If you love him , will you let him use you? You idiot , get a hold of yourself and stop living so selflessly...me and mom are here to support you so quit your job if you don't want to do it, also don't think too much, you-
*She snores*
Kang min: hey! How can you sleep when I'm saying something and that too on a road when you're drunk!
*He looks at her while she's asleep*
*Sighs* who am I talking to?
*He carries her on his back*

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬❤️‍🩹Where stories live. Discover now