Chapter 30

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"Will she be okay?" Her mothers voice was distressed. A long pause of silence rang though the air. "It's all my fault," Jaron muttered. Feeling someone touch her hand, she was finally awake enough to realize what was going on. She shot up into a sitting position but immediately regretted doing so. She held her gut tightly and cried in pain, she gasped for air as she coughed up blood. Her head spun with dizziness and she began to lose focus again. Jaron steadied her from falling backwards. "W-what happened?" she asked as she tried to find her focus again. "Your wound opened up and started to bleed badly, luckily someone alerted us about what was happening and we were able to get you here in time," Tobias explained, bringing a small cup of what smelled like an herbal tea and directed her to drink it. 

"But why did it open up?" Imogen asked. Tobias paused to think, "Alexius, were you being super active instead of resting?" Alexius avoided his gaze and focused on the hot tea, which had a weird tang to it, but wasn't all that bad. Jaron looked at her in disapproval, "I'm going to ban you from doing anything and not as your father but as your king." Alexius shot him an angry glare and then sighed, "Fine! I'll rest, but someone is going to have to keep me occupied because I'm not going to lay all day in bed!"


Alexius sighed as she gazed out into the kingdom, she could finally be at rest again. The last couple of months had been so horribly slow. To occupy herself, she would draw, read, and play card games with Cyrus which she stayed undefeated in, but she did wonder if he was going easy on her. Sometimes she would talk to herself or pretend she was talking to Darius and telling him about all the stuff he's missed out on. Her father walked in on her why she was doing it once and he had stared at her like she was crazy. He probably thinks that I have schizophrenia. 

"Hey, supper is ready," Cyrus said, as he approached her from behind. "a few more minutes, the breeze out here is super nice," Alexius said as she held her hands out to embrace the breeze. Cyrus laughed but she countered that by kicking him in the legs, and she was in fact wearing heels. "Ow! That's going to leave a bruise!" Cyrus cried. "Grow up," Alexius smirked. Cyrus joined her at her side and pulled her in close to him. They enjoyed the nice autumn breeze together, Alexius could stay like this forever and call it a happily ever after, but the threats of enemies always hung in the air. She couldn't relax, not yet, until she knew all threats on Carthya were gone.

TYSM FOR READING!!!!! I had an amazing time writing this and can't wait to write the next book!  I have so many ideas and  I'm open to any suggestion or adding your oc's into the next book, cuz I need more characters, so pls let me know!

(there is going to be an extra chapter with extra stuff after this one)

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