Chapter 25

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(WARNING: There will be some thoughts of suic!de in this chapter, I'll let u know before it comes up ;] )

Cyrus watched the birds fly across the sky, ever since Alexius passed out Cyrus has been taking care of Phoenix along with the aid of a servant who is surprisingly well with birds. He stared off into the distance for a bit longer before he remembered something he needed to give to Jaron. Cyrus headed towards the door and asked a couple of the ladies in waiting to keep an eye on Alexius until he came back. Cyrus still had Alexius's sword and wanted to give it to Jaron. He opened the door to his room and her Sword was propped against the wall. Cyrus then walked over and grabbed it, he then unsheathed it to see if it was damaged in anyway. 

He laughed quietly when he remembered the many times he had practiced sword fighting with Alexius and back when the caravan still was together and he had to fight boulder in order to be excepted once again. "Like I'll ever need my fathers approval again," Cyrus joked and then he heard a knock on the glass doors that led to the balcony in his room. 

He walked onto the balcony and saw no one, he bent over the railing and looked around, but still no one. A bird must of flew into the door maybe. Cyrus always loved the sight from his room, it was a beautiful one. 

(WARNING: Thoughts of suic!de and attempt)

As he glanced around, he realized how easy it would be to jump of the balcony. He would then join Alexius, she would most likely not survive anyway. It's not like anyone else needed him? His father is bound to die, his sister hates him, and his mother is already dead. Tears began to fall down his face when he thought about his mother. She was amazing and she would love to meet Alexius one day. Maybe they've already met..and they're waiting for Cyrus to join them. Cyrus dropped Alexius's sword and climbed to the top of the railing. The railing was the only thing that was keeping him back, but now nothing was. He took one last gasp of air, the last breath he would take. He heard commotion and then his door open, but he didn't care. He would be free now and get to see his mother again...and possibly Alexius. Then the glass doors behind him flung open.

"CYRUS!" Alexius screamed. Cyrus turned around in disbelief and there she was, standing right behind him. "I'm crazy, you're standing? Immposible! The devils are messing with me!" Cyrus laughed while tears fell down his face. "Cyrus get down from there! You'll fall and die!" Alexius pleaded. Cyrus paused and then climbed down, he had to check and see if he was seeing thing. He touched her face and she didn't fade away. It was really her! "You're alive!" Cyrus cried, taking Alexius into his arms, lifting her up, and twirling her around.

"I thought that you would never wake up! How are you standing?" Cyrus asked. "I'm not sure how either, but here I am," Alexius laughed. Cyrus pulled her close and moved her slightly curly orangish-brown hair out of her face. He stared deep into her green eyes, "I'm so grateful that you're alive." Alexius smiled at him, but then she turned away from him. "I need to tell you something, well I've actually have kind of been wanting to tell you for a long time but you know Hakkan and the whole engagement thing and if I told you it would make it awkward between us and I don't want to ruin our friendship-" Alexisu continued rambling on. 

"Alexius!" Cyrus stopped her, "Just tell me." Alexius faced turned a hot red. "I love you!" She said quickly, squeezing her eyes shut. Cyrus stared at her in astonishment, it wasn't if he heard her right. "" Cyrus asked, just to make sure he heard what she said correctly. She froze for a moment, and then nodded.

Cyrus pulled her in and kissed her. He didn't want to ever let her go now. He wouldn't, if he had to fight Hakkan, then he'll fight Hakkan! 

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