Chapter 7

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The boys were taking quite some time to make their way back. It was getting a bit late and Alexius decided to head back to her room. On her way back to the palace she glanced at the ocean, she stopped walking and closed her eyes. She listened to the ocean waves ans they washed up on the shore. She opened back up her eyes when she heard Phoenix chirp. "Right, lets get you to the palace," She said. Alexius turned away from the ocean and headed back to the palace. Back in Carthya, it wasn't very often she got to see the ocean. The only time she had was why she was hiding away. She sighed as she thought about the many nights she spent by herself for those four years. She didn't hardly talk about it either, when Cyrus  or her parents asked about what she did before Cyrus and I had met up, I would always push off the subject.

After a bit of ways, she finally made it back to her room. Mari was inside, waiting for her. She asked her to let Hakkan know that she came inside. Mari bowed and left the room. Alexius sighed and layed on her back on the bed in her room. Alexius set the shawl down that Phoenix was in on the side of her bed. Alexius hadn't really paid much attention to her room until now. Her room was white with gold trims and two big windows with navy blue curtains. Her bed was quite the same. It had a white frame with gold designs. The blankets and pillows were a navy blue. Her bed was on the left wall when you entered the room. She had a desk and wardrobe that were made out of some sort of white wood that only grew in Oryxicalian. She heard on knock on the door that was followed by Cyrus's voice, "Are you in here? Mari said that you would be." Alexius sat up and quickly ran to the door. She straightened up her appearance, which she wasn't quite sure why she did, and opened up the door.

Cyrus wore a pair of dark blue pants with black boots. Uptop he wore a white shirt that he had unbuttoned the first two buttons and rolled up the sleeves which revealed his scars, but he didn't seem to worried about them. The part that Alexius liked the most was how he tied of his hair in the back, it wasn't very long, but long enough to tie it up. Hakkan stood behind him, wearing a colorful tunic over a plain white shirt with cackey pants that fell over his feet. He to had pulled half his hair back, but his was much longer than Cyrus's. "Did you take the bird in with you?" Hakkan asked. Alexius guessed that she had opened it enough for him to see the shawl rapped around Phoenix as she slept. "Maybe, am I not allowed to keep her?" She asked. Hakkan sighed, "I suppose you could keep her, but she's native to Oryxicalian, I'm not sure how well she would do in Carthya." Alexius frowned, she had really grown to love the small and fragile bird.

"I'll see what I can do, I'll get someone to bring her a bird cage so you won't have to worry about her escaping to anywhere," Hakkan said with a small smile. Alexius gave him a smile of thanks. Hakkan then said he had some kingly thing he had to do and left Alexius and Cyrus alone. They both stared at each other awkwardly. Alexius invited him to her room, they both sat at the table that sat on the balcony. Alexius really liked it since it had a nice view of the stars which she had a hobby of studying. Mari gave them a special flower tea and left the room. Cyrus and Alexius exchanged small talk. Both of their faces looked very flustered for some reason. "So, have you made the trade yet?" Cyrus asked quietly. Alexius heaved out a loud sigh, "for some reason Hakkan is making it really complicated for my father. He's always avoiding it and continues to make my father super angry to the point that he refuses to speak with anyone." Once Alexius had said that, she now became a bit worried about her father and considered visiting him.

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