Chapter 2

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 Alexius stood a couple of feet from her opponent, her sword in her right hand. "And how exactly do you plan to do that in a dress?" The knight asked. Alexius smirked, that was a secret they did not know. The knight pulled out a sword that looked to be made out of Carthya's finest iron. The knights gathered in a circle around them, Alexius wanted to make a point clear with this fight. Alexius heard the sound of a door opening and closing but couldn't see who it was due to all the knights gathered around her. "Whoever can beat me in a battle will be my personal guard, and only one has been able to do it along with my father," she explained, the knights glared at her. "Begin!" Roden called out. "I'm not going easy on you," The Knight said before charging ahead. Alexius quickly jumped out of the way a turned around. The knight, a little shocked, swung at her with his sword. Alexius blocked his move and they went back and forth swinging it at each other. All Alexius had to do was touch him with her sword. The Knight was pretty good at blocking her attacks, but not good enough. She had been trained by a professional and knew the best ways of fighting with a sword. 

Dropping low, she ducked as the knight swung his sword at her. Alexius swiftly moved behind him and touched him with her sword. "I win," she said joyfully. The Knights all glared at her in uncertainty. Roden nodded, "she won fairly." The knight muttered a curse and walked away. "I want to fight against her!" One of the Knights shouted. Others agreed in wanting to fight her too. She grinned as Roden gave them the approval to attack her. One by one they took turns attacking her, eventually even two or three at once. Sadly, they were all no match for her. The last knight walked up to her, she hadn't even noticed that he was in the crowd, or he might have been the one who entered the room earlier. Pulling out his sword, Cyrus got into a fighting position.

"So, I see you picked a fight with all the knights?" Cyrus joked. "Well, I kind of did. I told them if they could beat me I would let them be my guard for my trip," Alexius explained. "May I audition for this role?" Cyrus asked, bowing down. "Go for it," She said, getting ready for him to launch at her. They walked in a circle before Alexius jumped, swinging her sword at him. He swiftly blocked and aimed for her leg, which she quickly blocked.  They went back and forth for a bit, blocking and swinging at each other until Cyrus swung his leg under her which made her fall. Cyrus touched her chest with his sword. "I won, so I get to be your guard now." He grinned. Reaching his hand out, Cyrus helped Alexius up. "Indeed, now come with me," She ordered Cyrus. He bowed and followed her out of the training room. While they were leaving he heard Roden yell at his men that they should be ashamed to have lost and would now be training harder and longer now. The knights groaned and now Alexius new she had enemies of some sort inside the palace walls.

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