Chapter 11

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Alexius and Cyrus ran through the town. They stopped in a small shopping district to look at what they were selling. Alexius was looking at a stand that seemed to be quite poor, but when she came closer it had some beautiful paintings on the table. "Who created these?" She asked a thin boy who looked to be around ten. He had light brown hair and blue eyes with a mark across his face, kind of looked like a scar from a knife. The boy looked sort of awkward before he spoke, "I did, I painted them," he said quietly, almost a whisper. Alexius stared in astonishment for a moment, "They're amazing! Where did you get all this talent from?" They boy shrugged, but he looked more happier. "What's your name?" Alexius asked. "Aaron," he whispered. "Okay Aaron, how much for the painting of the knight?" he paused and looked at the painting, "Nine pounds." 

"That's a really good painting, I'll pay you.....two hundred and fifty pounds," Alexius said, handing him the pounds. His eyes widened, "How do you have so much?" he asked curiously. Alexius bent down to his level, "Have you heard about the Princess of Carthya that's here in this kingdom?" Aaron nodded, "did you get it from her?" Alexius shook her head and his face lightened up. "Your the princess!?" Alexius nodded following what he said. "Keep it a secret, okay?" she asked. Aaron nodded, "Thank you so much!" Alexius gave him a smile. "Aaron you sluggish boy! Get over here, you're paintings will never sell!" a scratchy voiced snapped. Aaron jumped and quickly ran back behind the stand. Alexius stood up to see who the voice was. 

A huge man who looked like he had never showered once in his life appeared from the shade. "Sir, Aaron's paintings are really well!" She said. The man looked on the stand where Alexius had set down a bag of coins for Aaron. "Ah, so maybe you are useful for something and I won't have to sell ya," The man said before petting Aarons head. He flinched away and the man spat at him, luckily he missed though. Alexius was ready to lunge at this man when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. "Alexius, don't get involved," Cyrus whispered. Alexius turned around to argue with him, but he had a good point, she shouldn't start a fight. 

"Come on, I have somewhere to take you," Cyrus said with a warm smile. Alexius turned back to talk to Aaron, but he was gone. Alexius sighed and followed Cyrus up the hill to a beautiful ledge. "woah, you can really see all over from here," Alexius said excitedly, Cyrus nodded. "I have something for you," Cyrus said. He pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to her. She looked at the small box and thought about the many things that could possibly be in there. One idea that popped into her head was a ring, but that was highly unlikely. Alexius was only sixteen so she doubted that it would be a ring. She opened it to reveal a beautiful amythest jewel on a gold chain, she flipped it around to see the name 'Phoenix' carved on the back. "I saw it and figured that you could put it on her," Cyrus said awkwardly. Alexius hugged Cyrus tightly, "Thanks! It's amazing!" She pulled away to look at Cyrus's face, it was a bright red. Alexius let go of him and her face grew hot. 

They both laughed at each other for a moment. Alexius looked at the sun, and then it hit her. "Shoot! I should get back to the palace, I have a meeting!" Alexius panicked. "Oh yeah, come on," Cyrus said. They both ran back to the town as quickly as the could until they could find their ride back to the palace.

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