Chapter 10

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The night before, Alexius and Cyrus chatted awkwardly to each other before Cyrus said he was tired and wished to go to bed. Alexius changed into a different outfit and grabbed her sword from the corner of her room. Then came a knock on her door. "Come in!" Alexius called, it must be Mari with her tea. "Alexius?" but it was not, it was none other than her father. "Oh, Dad!" she quickly grabbed the shawl off her bed and put it on. He gave her a slight smile and then noticed the birdcage with Phoenix inside it. "Why is there a bird in here?" He asked, pointing at the golden cage with the small bird inside. "We saved her yesterday, I'm taking care of her now," Alexius said. She walked towards the door to leave the room when her father asked, "We?" Alexius turned to face him, "Hakkan, Cyrus, and I." Jaron nodded slowly. "Well if you don't need anything, I'll take my leave now," Alexius said, walking out of the room. 

Jaron and Alexius had another meeting about the trade again today. She was dreading arguing with Hakkan over it again. "Alexius?" She turned around to find Cyrus standing behind her. He looked quite nice. He wore black pants and black boots with a white button-up shirt and rolled-up sleeves. Over the shirt was a navy blue waistcoat and a golden tie. "Oh, is something wrong?" she asked. Cyrus shook his head, "I wanted to see what you were doing." Walking forward to the outside walkway, she leaned up against the rail. Cyrus followed her and leaned his back against the rail. She looked at the beautiful landscape the kingdom had. "I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for another meeting with Hakkan," she joked. 

Cyrus laughed quietly before saying, "I don't know what it is, but something about him makes me feel like he's up to something bad." Alexius turned to face him, she looked at him confusedly at what he meant. "What makes you think that?" Alexius asked. "The first night he was sneaking around the palace and being shady," Cyrus said, squinting his eyes like he was recalling a memory. "This is his kingdom so he has every right to be slipping around his palace at night," Alexius said. Although he was frustrating at times, she didn't believe that he was up to something. "I don't know, he gives me bad feelings," he said. 

Alexius didn't let that bother her, he's probably just being super sticious since they're in a different kingdom that was far from home. "Would you like to go out in town? I heard that the people are super nice," Cyrus asked. Alexius thought about it for a moment and then agreed. Cyrus smiled, grabbing her arm, he pulled her across the palace to a carriage outside that he obviously had prepared before. "You sure my father will be okay with this?" She asked. Cyrus nodded, "He knows were we'll be, that's why I have three different knives hidden on me and my sword." 

The carriage brought them to a popular town called Tittari. Cyrus stepped out of the carriage first and held his hand out to help her out of the carriage. She took his hand but tripped on her foot as she was stepping down. They both feel down on the concrete, but something broke her fall. She blinked to find herself on top of Cyrus. She laughed nervously and quickly got off of him. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" She fretted. He grunted but gave a thumbs up as he stood up. "I might be a little sore tomorrow but i'll be alright." 

"Do you want to head back to the palace and get check on?" Alexius asked. Cyrus shook his head and smiled, "I'm all good, let's go have fun now!"

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