Chapter 8: Too Heavy A Price

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    TEARS fell from her eyes as Aporia pulled June into her embrace. June wasn't expecting a hug. Or her reaction to it. She sobbed harder into Aporia's strong arms. Until her body shook with it. The weight of everything finally building up. She didn’t know how long she cried. Soon Aporia had her on the couch. Her arms still around her as June's tears wet her t-shirt.

    The sun was setting by the time June's tears dried on her face. She knew she was puffy eyed and looked disgusting. The orange grey glow through the curtains painting shadows across Aporia's perfect face. She really seemed unreal. Untouchable even, yet here was June being comforted in her arms. Arms that were very real. Warm and fit. June knew beauty could also be a curse. Many a beautiful soul could tell a tragic tale. Aporia was surely one. As if knowing her insecurities Aporia gently placed her hand on June’s cheek.

    Leaning in close she blew out warm air over June’s face… Berries and fall are what her scent reminded June of. The aroma changed once the air became slightly cool; leaving her face fresh and clean. She drew back. The vibe had transitioned as her two toned eyes seemed to see into every corner of June. “How did you do that?” June asked.

    Aporia rubbed her cheeks. “Knowing what makes up the spiritual world gives us control over the material one. I was born a spirit that developed a physical form over time. It’s just innate to me as breathing or walking in this realm is to you. We learn and we grow. So this…” Aporia produced a single snowflake on her fingertip. “This requires a relationship with Nature Spirits. They are invisible to you but with trained eyes they are trillions upon trillions of individual spirits all sprinkled throughout every realm. They are our ancestors in truth. Older than even I am. They look like specks of light dusted upon every surface and floating about in hordes of families and lovers. Some are large. Yet they are reclusive. I’ve only met three large one’s in all my existence.”

    June sat with that in silence wishing she could see as Aporia saw. Her mind struggled to make sense of it all. She needed to learn more. To somehow make it seem logical so she wouldn’t fall apart. She could start with questions. "Why were ones like me killed? What do you call ones like I am?" June asked her touching her now clean skin. She was in shock. Also a little fear.

    Aporia slowly rubbed June's back as she spoke. "Fear is the best way to summarize what happened. We born in the Divine Source aren't supposed to procreate.  Not without giving up what we are; or something extremely vital to us.” She paused rather dramatically, June found it cute and liked it. Aporia was a storyteller. "Many of us were sent to this realm to help guide humanity. We could influence, inspire... However intercourse was frowned upon at first and Inter breeding was forbidden. We called you Crosses. Or The Crossed. It’s not the best term and there are much worse I won’t dare utter."

    "Why is it frowned upon to have sex with humans?"

    Aporia contemplated long before speaking. "Many things just are. We have no books to follow. Just some rules we all know to follow. Like how one can sense danger. All of us knew not to touch the mortals much and not mix. Especially when they were much younger spirits. Ignorant and frail. Less so then. Then after a while a large portion of Immortal spirits didn't listen. They were too tempted by something new and beautiful.”

    June groaned. “Is it like a perversion?”

    Aporia chuckled. “You humans with your millions of terms and conditions. No. Not that.. My kind are of feelings. Actions. We inspire reactions.”

    June rolled her eyes. “Stop the poetry. I love the theatrics, however just be real. Get to the point.”

    Aporia nodded, tilting her head a bit. “I am ever authentic June Chase. I am simply stalling, because the pain of the past, is the poetry of my being. It is, what I am too.”

A Dream In June | Book 1 (GxGxB) 18+Where stories live. Discover now