Chapter 6: concluded

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    JUNE exhaled loudly as Aporia's multicolored eyes raked her from head to toe. “Today’s not Tuesday." June said numbly.

    Aporia flashed her white, friendly teeth. "I felt it was better to see you today." She said in that odd accent.

    Unexpected irritation, burst in June. "Yeah, seems your kind just do whatever you all please. What happened to my choice in the matter?" She muttered sourly. She stalked away from the door, leaving it up to Aporia if she came in or not. June was fed up with them and their games. She didn't care anymore. Also not sleeping enough all week had her fuming at the world.

    Aporia chose to come in, shutting and politely locking the door behind her. "I truly didn't mean to upset you June. I just felt bad that I didn't explain everything more clearly last week."

    June twisted around facing her defiantly. Today Aporia wore a plain white t-shirt partially tucked into high wasted flared dark blue jeans. Her straight silk hair was in a loose messy bun that looked artfully crafted. Everything about Aporia was near perfect. "How are you so fucking beautiful?" June sneered.

    Aporia's expression closed. "I am from all the wants and needs whispered into the night of the universe. I didn't choose how I look. I wasn't given a choice. I am what I've always been."

    Her sudden sadness made June's anger fade. "I'm sorry. I just assumed you were like Flor. I thought she chooses how she appears."

    Aporia's facial expression fell, a detached coldness changing the vibe. "Even Flor doesn't get to choose exactly how she looks. She can only edit what others have already desired for her and go from there. You shouldn’t speak on what you cannot even comprehend, June Chase.”

    They made eye contact. June having to look up. From her own background she did know better. June was simply mad at herself. This was all more than she could even begin to try to fully absorb and she wasn’t truly a victim. She did call out for Flor those many years prior. She had chose to go to the café…. She wasn’t a faultless victim in any of it. She may not have known it was real but she had consented. Even the guy. She remembered having flashes of him with Flor long before she even dreamed him. Him appearing was exactly what June had wanted. She just hadn’t confessed it to herself yet. No, it wasn't fully right how Flor went about this. Still June could see they were clearly a different species. "You’re right. I’m sorry….I’m just upset about all of this.” June crossed her arms, shifting her stance acutely aware that she was just in a robe. “Why are you here Aporia? Why did Flor ever meet me? Why'd she send the man? Why any of this?"

    "You want to know why you?" Aporia asked softly. Her arched black eyebrows serious.

    June raised her hands. "Yeah, why me? I'm no one special. Now my world is forever changed. Why?"

    Aporia answered honestly. "I don't know why you June. But you are special or it wouldn't be you." She said, her multicolored gaze practically traveling June in a very obvious way.

    June, scoffed trying hard to ignore Aporia’s heated stare. "That's a shit answer Aporia, especially with what you, Flor or that guy Ero did to my eyes. Like do I have some kind of non human STD from my sex dreams with them?"






    APORIA raised her brows up. "Come again? What's happening with your eyes?" she asked her, studying her intently. June was really quite striking for a mortal. Her lovely brown skin was luminous and youthful. Her cheekbones sharp into the soft fullness of her light rose plump lips. Her eyes were slightly up tilted and naturally thick lashed top and bottom. She was petite and even more curvy than Flor but equally fit. Aporia could admit she was attracted to this particular mortal and that alone was telling.

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