"What's in her hand?" Gally asked from above

Newt picked up the paper from the girl's hand and read it, " 'She's the last one ever.' What the hell does that mean?"

"We're not going to get anyone else from the Box." Wren stood up, "So that also means the Box won't be back, then we can't get any more resources."

The woman gasped and woke up. She whispered, "Thomas," then passed out again.

Everyone looked at Thomas.

"You still think I'm 'overreacting'?" Gally asked everyone

"Let's get her out and discuss this later." Wren said, looking at the girl. Just like the feeling of familiarity Wren had when first seeing Thomas, she felt it when seeing the girl. As if she knew her.

Newt and Wren got the girl out the Box and Wren, with the help of Clint and Jeff, brought her away from the boys. Clint and Jeff set the girl down on a bed and Jeff began to tend to her.

Wren walked over to Alby on another bed and lifted his head up to have him drink some water. Alby's eyes widened and he spat the water out, grabbing Wren's neck.

"Alby! Alby, calm down." Wren coughed then pushed Alby off her and held him down against the bed

Clint ran over and helped hold Alby down while Jeff got the ropes.

"Get away from me." Alby yelled at Wren, "You did this, you were there. You're with them!"

"Alby, what are you taking about?" Wren asked, "Alby?"

"You-." Alby went to continue but Clint picked up a needle and injected some sort of sleep medicine into Alby's arm.

"Why would he-." Wren then got the same in the back of her neck by Jeff and fell to the floor.

When Wren woke up, she had a wrist tied to the bed beside Alby. She looked around and saw both Med-Jacks tending to the girl on a different bed. Wren rubbed the back of her neck and found the tender spot where she had been injected.

"What the..." Wren mumbled, her throat hoarse. She grabbed a glass of water from the side and drank it to help her throat.

As Wren looked over at Alby again as Newt, Minho, and Thomas walked into the building and over to the girl. They glanced over at Wren and Alby, who was now slightly awake, but didn't see the rope around Wren's wrist. All they saw, was that Wren was sitting on the bed beside Alby's.

"Jeff. What's going on?" Newt indicated to the sleeping girl, "What's the matter with her? Why won't she wake up?"

"Hey, man, I got my job the same way you did." Jeff said

Thomas looked down at the girl and Newt looked at him.

"Well, do you recognise her?" Newt asked Thomas

"No." Thomas mumbled

"Really? Because she seemed to recognise you." He sighed, "Wren?" Newt looked over at her and she turned her head to look at him, "Do you recognise her?"

"Why would I recognise her. Thomas was the one she called out for." Wren told him

"I mean, you give her the same look as when seeing Thomas for the first time." Newt shrugged, and Thomas glanced at him for a moment.

"What about the note?" Thomas asked

"Yeah, We'll worry about the not later." Newt replied

"I think you should worry about it now." Thomas said

"We've got enough to deal with at the moment." Newt reminded Thomas

"He's right, Newt." Jeff mumbled, "The box isn't coming back up, how long do you think we can last?"

"No one said that." Newt shook his head

"I did." Wren looked over at them

"Hey, stay over there." Jeff told her

"It's not like I have a choice." She muttered

"Okay." Thomas sighed, walking out

"And where you are you going?" Newt asked

"Back into the Maze." Thomas replied

Minho sighed and ran after him while Newt looked down at the girl.

"Do you need anything, Wren?" Jeff walked over to Wren

"Something for my neck." Wren coughed

"Right," Jeff nodded, then picked up some cream from off the shelf and handed it to Newt. "Can you help out with Wren's neck?"

"What did she do this time?" Newt sighed

"I can't still hear you!" Wren yelled over

Newt chuckled and walked over to Wren, sitting on the bed with her. He put the tub down and opened it, getting some cream on his hand.

"What did you do?" Newt asked as he lifted Wren's head to out the cream on her neck

"Alby woke up and was angry or something..." Wren glanced over at Alby

"Angry? About what?" Newt asked

"I don't know." She sighed, "But he said it was 'my fault'."

Newt glanced over at where Jeff was previously standing, but he was walking out the door and leaving the two alone- even through Alby was still there, but he was asleep.

"Newt," Wren lowered her head and looked up at him

"Yeah?" Newt asked, putting the lid back on the tub. He then untied her wrist from the bed.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled

"For what?" He moved some hair away from her face and behind her ear.

"You told me to not go into the Maze anymore, then I ran straight in." Wren sighed

"Wren, it's fine." Newt held his hand on her cheek as he spoke, looking into her eyes.

"Newt," Wren began, but Newt cut her off by kissing her.

He leaned close to her, keeping their lips connected, as both his hands moved to cup her face. Wren softened her gaze, slowly closing her eyes after the butterflies in her stomach stopped.

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