Explaining Hope's reason

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Hey guys this isn't so Much of a chapter but more of me explaining Hope's motivation to break the curse put on Alex. And it's actually quite simple. When Hope looks at Titan she's reminded of what her mother's pack went through when Marcel had the curse placed on them. When she looks at Titan/Alex she's reminded of Hayley and the fact that Hayley is dead because of her.

Hope see's this as an opportunity to both redeem herself and hopefully Atone for som of her family's sins. In her mind breaking the curse is a way to show people that even though her father did some horrific things in the past he was also capable of being a good person.

from Hope's perspective Titan is her salvation.

I also wanted to clear up a few things about Titan's curse. The act of kindness that was mentioned has to be genuine and it has to be returned by those Titan has shown kindness too.

Now you're probably thinking. Well why hasn't the curse been lifted? Titan's been nothing but nice.

Yes, he's protected the school from monsters, saved Hope and the twins from a pack of hungry jaguars, comforted Rafael after Landon died, and saved a girl when he was still human. The curse was triggered by rage mixed with the accident.

Titan was always inside Alex all it needed was a way out he never committed an act of betrayal but before he transformed he felt betrayed by his superiors. They were going to take the technology he and his team had developed and weaponize it.

Instead of being used to help lessen the use of stuff like electricity, gas, and things we rely on to get us through our lives 90% of which is slowly killing the planet. The people in Washington heard about the technology being developed. The government had a few Triad people influencing politicians.

Remember the project and accident happened in 2003. That's Nine years before Hope was born. Season one of Legacies place 2029...I think. Alex has been a gorilla for 26 years.

Also Alex was seventeen when the curse took effect. So he was born in 1986.

Seventeen years is more than enough time for an evil organization to worm their way into a position of political power. Triad had enough time to pull certain strings and manipulate the right people.

Triad's people basically said "we could use the technology being developed for its intended purpose but think of how our troops could use it."

Instead of using this technology to heal the planet and prevent global warming or lessen pollution triad basically convinced governments officials to weaponize it. Since Alex was working on the project he basically unintentionally helped Malivore a being capable of erasing someone or something from existence.

Now while Alex didn't know about Malivore or the curse placed on his family, witchcraft and science were never meant to coexist.

Not in this story at least. Rest assured the curse can still be lifted partly. I'm also writing this because I want your input on Malivore.

Hope is still the loophole in this story. However she was already friends with the twins at the start of the story. She also had a better childhood between season 3-4.

Remember she didn't just have her mother and aunt Freya growing up but also a sister figure in Davina. So we can assume she had a normal social life and had a few interactions with kids her own age.

All of that took place while Klaus was neutralized by the dagger that caused agonizing pain. And remember Davina constantly visited her member after the hallow was put in Rebekah, Klaus, Kole, and Elijah.

I think she would be a little hesitant to jump into Malivore if she had friends from the start and a family member visiting the school every once in a while.

And this time her love interest isn't completely useless or consistently abandoning her. We've established Titan is quite powerful, actually listen's to Hope when she tells him to do something, and he hasn't left her repeatedly.

The only time he left the school was to go find Hope because she'd been gone longer then she said she would be.

So this is were you guys come in. I've come up with a few options.

1. Davina, Marcel, and Titan talk Hope out of jumping into Malivore convincing her to find another way.

2. Hope jumps into Malivore but is bought back by her family and friends. (Alaric wasn't an idiot and never burned her things erasing any proof of her existence.)

3. Titan jumps in Malivore instead destroying the pit but gets trapped in the process.

Any input for the last chapter is welcome. One last thing would you like this to become a series. I was already thinking of writing a sequel but I'm a little hesitant to do so. Also Davina and Freya are here to stay.

Having one of Hope's family members around might influence her behavior and how she handles situations in the future. Since she never listens to Alaric or Emma I thought let's put an authority figure who Hope might actually listen too.

Let me know what you guys think.


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