What Really Happened

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A/N: sign language will be written in italic.

"Oh you'll love auntie Bex and Marcel, uncle Kole might Take some getting used too though." Hope said sitting across from Titan. The girl had been telling the gorilla about her family and were she was born. She didn't know why but but for reasons she couldn't explain Hope felt drawn to the massive animal. Maybe it was because could confide in him without worrying about being judged or diagnosed. Titan didn't ask questions about her traumatic past, her fears, or doubts.

Titan wasn't dumb in fact he understood emotions to a certain extent. It also helped that he didn't interrupt her every five minutes to ask her how something mad her feel.

"So this place not home?" Titan asked with what looked like a confused expression on his face. The Tribrid shook her head. "Not my real home but I live here." She replied sadly.

"Where's, Family?" The ape asked. Hope was impressed by the amount of progress Josie had made with him.

"Aunt Freya and Keelin live in New Orleans with my baby cousin Nik, uncle Kole and aunt Davina live in San Francisco, and my aunt Rebekah is traveling around with Marcel."

"Where mother and father?"

Hope looked down then at Titan.

"They're gone. What about you buddy where was your family?" The Tribrid asked she found it odd that Titan was the only gorilla in the jungle.

"No family, live alone for many moons." The animal replied. Hope frowned he was the only one of his kind. Would he even be able to adjust to being a human after living as a wild animal for so long? Hope had the ability to shift whenever she wanted but she only spent a few hours in her wolf form.

One thing she remembered her mother telling her was the more time one spent as a wolf they would lose certain human abilities. These were basic abilities such as telling time, things such as math, and the ability to read and write would fade away. They wouldn't be completely forgotten but the werewolf wouldn't speak in full sentences or they might talk like Yoda.

Luckily the crescent pack never had that problem. And she'd never heard of any werewolf that willingly chose to stay in wolf form. Titan was different humans had evolved from apes. And animals were intelligent in their own way. So while it might be a challenge, Hope was positive that her new supernatural friend would be just fine. He'd need to relearn basic skills but that wouldn't be too hard.

"There you are." Josie said snapping hope out of her thoughts. Walking over the siphoner placed a basket filled with different fruits and veggies in front of the gorilla. Then she siphoned some magic from Titan and cast a spell that made the food bigger.

"So what have you two been up too?" Josie asked sitting down next to her friend. The taller girl had kept her distance after revealing she'd not only been responsible for the fire in Hope's room but that she had a crush on her. While she and her sister had a shaky relationship with Hope since that day Lizzie hadn't hated Hope she didn't really trust her. And all the time Hope spent with their dad didn't help ether.

However over the years Lizzie actually warmed up to Hope and the three girls spent a lot of time together. While both her twin and friend were hurt by her actions and lies. They weren't exactly holding a grudge or  being hostile towards her.

"I was telling Titan about my family." Hope explained smiling at her friend before asking her what bought Josie out her.

"Two things the first is about Titan." Josie said with a look that indicated she wanted to talk to her friend alone. Nodding Hope turned to the ape.

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