Gorilla Gone Missing pt. 2

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A/N: So this chapter starts off in the flashback that we started last chapter I just wanted to remind you of that. Also there might be things in later chapters that might trigger people. I'll put a warning on those chapters but I thought it be good to warn you in advance. This story may go dark in places and while I try to keep most of my stories in the T rating this might change to an M later on. But enough of my rambling on to the story.


As MG talked Kaleb asked Rafael to keep an eye on  MG. Rafael agreed. That was his first big mistake. The second one was bringing Landon to one of those events.

"Don't be mad, this stuff's in my blood." He said after winning another round of faction feud.

"My dad's a trivia god, we play games like this all the time or used to before the...You know." He trailed off.

"Let me get this straight you died and then become a vampire and then your dad just ghosted you?" Landon asked shocked. MG nodded but said his mom called all the time but would make excuses saying he was busy and that they didn't talk either way.

"Well maybe you should." Landon said the boy never knew when to drop something

"Or, maybe some things are better left unsaid right Land?" Raf said putting an extra emphasis on the word 'right' in an attempt to get his brother to drop the subject.

"Sure but I mean the whole point of having a family is so you can be an actual family, talk about stuff." Landon countered Raf sighed and sat down knowing this wouldn't end well.

"Look, what I'm trying to say is if you want answers, I hope you get them because I would do anything to avoid another round of faction feud."



"Please tell me you didn't take MG home." Alaric said talking a step forward clearly upset. The man let out a sigh as the werewolf said he didn't think it was a big deal. "They're just right over the state line in Maryland we were supposed to make it back before the full moon." Raf explained.

"Yeah well didn't and now we're here." Alaric responded clearly upset. Why did things have to be so hard when it came to Landon? First the knife, then the urn, now this was the boy incapable of staying out of trouble or causing it? Hell Titan was a better listener than him and he was a fucking gorilla!

"Rick, discipline can come after everyone is healthy and safe." Emma said standing up and turning to face her boss in an attempt to calm him down before things went from bad to worse.

"Rafael I'm sorry I am not mad at you, I'm mad at myself." The headmaster said more calmly. How could he let this happen? These kids were his responsibility he should've left Hope here, or asked Bonnie to keep an eye on things, or maybe call Freya for help. His thoughts were so amok he didn't hear the door open behind him as Hope entered the room.

"For what?" The Tribrid asked getting his attention.

"I gotta go, I've got a big mess I need to clean up. Hope stay with Emma and keep me posted on what you learn okay, I'll have the school phone on me." The man said rushing out of the room.

Kaleb's Room

Alaric only had to wait a few seconds after knocking on the door for Kaleb to open it wearing shark slippers.

"What's up?" The vampire asked seeing the headmaster who was looking at the shark slippers. Kaleb was lucky it was the headmaster and not Lizzie at the door because his daughter would've laughed her ass off.

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