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I park my car in Scarlett's driveway and gather the couple of things I stopped for on the way here before getting out of my car. The second photoshoot went well and Penelope is really easy behind the camera. Her jawline makes the photo crisp and I know the photos will turn out amazing.

She broke down at the end of the shoot and told me she was analyzing me, like I didn't suspect by the 101 questions she was asking me. Zodiac sign and all. It didn't bother me though, and when she told me I seemed perfect for Scarlett I couldn't help but blush.

Which is why I thought I'd stop and get some food for dinner, so Scarlett doesn't have to cook and I even got cookie dough so the kids and I can bake. Hearing someone else's approval that doesn't know me just makes me happy and blissful and in the best mood.

It's like when you've been trying to pick an apple from a tree. You reach up and can't quite reach it, but you keep trying and trying. Eventually, you feel like you should quit. Maybe you walk away, maybe you just stare at it for a few minutes...or years...and then you try again. And you finally reach that apple and pick it down and it's the most perfect, ripest apple you've ever seen and you know you want to hold onto it as long as you can.

Call me cheesy, but Scarlett's my Apple.

I walk up her steps balancing the bags and my bags from work and stop at the door. I go to knock but stop when I hear a man's voice yelling. It's a mumbled yell so I press my ear to the door to listen.

"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING! You are so pathetic."

"I already told you to lower your voice. What I do with my life is none of your business!" That's Scarlett's voice.

I try the front door and it's open so I go inside, curious who's yelling.


Ah, I recognize that voice, it's the asshole ex-husband.

"Watch your mouth! Get the hell outta my house before Cosmo comes down and hears you." Scarlett's voice is laced with anger and hatred. There's so much attitude coming off of her it's kinda of hot.

No, not right now Katie.

I walk through the entryway and round the corner to see Colin and Scarlett standing on opposite ends of the table in the dining room. Their eyes are on each other and I almost turn back around with what Colin says next.

"I will not let him be around you especially because you are dating a WOMAN. Tell me has it ever stopped!? No wonder we actually divorced."

"We divorced because you're a narcissistic asshole!" Scarlett screams at him.

I feel like I should go, I feel like I'm intruding. I'm just standing there at the edge of the living room, holding bags of food and goodies while they scream at each other.

"You're still just as pathetic as before. You still cannot ever-"

"I think it's time you leave Colin." I finally speak up and walk through the living room to stand in between him and Scarlett.

His eyes bulge out of his head seeing me in real time. His mouth bobs open and closed like a goldfish in his tank and for once he's speechless. He looks me up and down and scoffs and rolls his eyes while his hands fly up in a "really?" Motion.

"Regardless of who she is with and what you agree with, you need to respect her choices and her words and I believe she asked you to go." I say to him again just much more calmer.

"Of course you're here. Always butting in, always showing up and wreaking havoc." Colin spits at me as his eyes darken out of anger. I already can sense how uneasy Scarlett is because of how he raised his voice at her and I don't want anyone else to hear him.

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