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Katie's POV
Pushing my way through the doors of the woman's room, I stumble a little but catch myself. I walk through the small waiting area full of mirrors and back out to the grand room full of people. My mind is swirling from the extra xans and that damn kiss.

I can't believe I just did that.

She just wouldn't shut up, and she kept going on and on about how sorry she was. I asked her to stop, I asked her to be quiet but she didn't listen. She thought I would want her pitiful apology. Well I didn't but I'd be lying if I said that kiss didn't do anything to me.

It transported me right back 4 and a half years ago to the first time I kissed her. Back to that time in her house when I was so full of confidence, arrogance, and I felt that tingle I used to get spread through my body. Then I realized that was all in the past and we could never be.

I walk straight to the bar and see Florence still standing over there. I see my drink on the counter still with what looks like change underneath the glass. I pick the glass up and inspect it, as if I can tell if someone slipped something into it or not.

"No one poisoned it, I kept it safe." Florence says in her amazing, thick British accent and I smile immensely upon hearing it.

"Thanks, mate." I say back in my best attempt at an accent and she giggles at said attempt.

"Oh shit you're the one that was shoving their tongue down some girls throat before?" Florence asks and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Uhh..I guess so." I rub the back of my neck.

"Wait so that means....."

"Hey Flo, let's get some air" Scarlett comes back and quickly pulls Florence away from me. I take my drink, leave the change and go find someone to talk to. I can see Emily taking more shots with Gigi and Bella and I internally groan knowing I'll have to babysit her tonight.

You know what's weird? Looking at em, you think I'd feel bad for kissing Scarlett. Even though it was more of a shut up kiss, I still don't feel any guilt. Does that mean I don't really have feelings for Emily?

I see Lizzie and Robbie dancing on the dance floor and as much as i want to step in and ask Lizzie for a hug, I don't. Lizzie has those great bear hugs that just make you feel like everything is going to be okay.

Instead, I decide to sit with Emily so she won't bother me about not hanging out with her friends. As soon as I sit, em sits on my lap, and wraps her arm around my neck, claiming me.

"Babyyyy!" She squeals and kisses my neck.

"Easy 'Em" I laugh looking at her friends staring at us. She's always been a little extra but when she drinks she gets very touchy and very territorial.

It doesn't help when I have anxiety like I do and need some space. She doesn't understand that word.

I listen to their conversations of what gigs they have upcoming and the silly stories they tell about who they worked with. All the while my mind is becoming foggier and foggier. I look up around the room trying to focus on something but everything is tilting.

I push Emily off my lap and stand from the table, knocking a glass over but I don't think anyone even noticed. I can feel my heart rate picking up and the deeper I try to breathe the less air I actually get in. I walk towards the exit of the muesum, stumbling across the dance floor before someone grabs my arm holding me up.

"Katie, you okay?" I hear Lizzie's voice rings through my ears, it sounds like it's amplified and echoing in my head. I look to my right and see Robbie holding me up in a way most people wouldn't know there's something wrong.

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