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Scarlett's POV
Rose just went to bed. We've been watching The Office recently and just binged a couple episodes before bed. It happened randomly one night when it was on the TV and she asked to watch it from the beginning. It's actually funny but has all these story lines going on in it, it's interesting to watch. And Rose enjoys it and I'll take any bonding time with her.

I clean up the plate she left from her cookies and walk over to the kitchen putting it in the sink. I cover the rest of the cookies that she made and put them in the pantry before heading into the living room again. I fix the couch and put the blankets away before I'm finally ready to head upstairs. I just don't like leaving the place a mess because I know il be upset in the morning when I walk down and know I have to clean. Now all I have to do is some dishes.

As soon as my foot hits the bottom step to go up, there's a couple of soft knocks on the door that make me freeze. I feel my pockets for my phone but don't feel it. It must be on the couch. It's probably close to midnight because I was upset Rose made us watch another episode and it got so late on a school night. Who could be at my  front door this late at night?

Instead of finding my phone, I head to the front door. On my way there I grab an umbrella out of the rack and approach the door. Like  that's going to do something. I decide to be smart and look through the peephole, ya know that thing that's built into most doors, and sigh in relief.

I swing the door open seeing Katie standing there on my small porch. Duffle bag and small work bag over her shoulder. She looks a little tired but once she realizes I opened the door, her whole face lights up.

She takes one step inside and her bags slides
off her shoulders while she simultaneously wraps me into a hug. Her hands fit perfectly around my waist as mine fit perfectly around her neck. Her head drops to my shoulder and she just embraces me in this soul crushing hug for a couple of minutes.

The minutes feels like hours but when she pulls away it feels like seconds and I want her back. She only pulls away to cup my face and gently peck my lips twice before going back in for another hug. "I missed you." She mumbles into my neck but I can understand her.

"I missed you. This is such a nice surprise."

She pulls back enough to see me but her hands slide up my back to my arms. She rubs them a little before talking. "Since I'm off tomorrow, would you like to go on a date with me then? I don't think I can wait until next week." She smiles her warm goofy smile at me and I feel my body vibrate at the way she makes me feel.

"I happen to be free." I tease. "And kid-free." I wink at her and she smiles before she chuckles a little, looking away nervously.

"Great. I can pick you up around 5? I can't stay out too late but I'd risk it for you." She winks at me making me laugh a little.

"Pick me up? Honey, you're not leaving." I say and move my arms under her arms and around her back to pull her into me for a searing kiss. I Spin us and walk us back, more into the house, all the way to the couch. She falls back with me on top of her and it's the perfect position to straddle her.

I quickly attach my lips to hers and melt into when I feel her tongue slip into my mouth. It's the perfect amount of play and always makes me want more. But we don't deepen, or at least I don't. I know she's exhausted and I would love to just cuddle and fall asleep with her in my bed again. I can wait till tomorrow anyway.

When I pull back and sit up on her lap she looks a little disappointed. I run my hands down her chest, and leave them at her lower stomach and smile at her. "We should go to bed."

"If you want to." She says running her fingertips up and down my arms. It feels amazing, like my body is tingling all over.

"If you keep doing that I'll fall asleep right here." I tease and she sits up, wrapping me in her arms. She picks me up and I feel her arm muscles flex while she does it. Not much I can do, so I just enjoy the ride. She surprisingly carries me up the stairs and into my room before bypassing the bed and going into the bathroom.

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