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I hummed my favorite song as I made pancakes.

"Good morning Reyna." Yawned Ana from behind me.

"Hey Ana." I smiled.

She sat down in a nearby chair and stretched her back.

"So how have you been enjoying Italy?"

I smiled a flustered smirk.

"It's been amazing so far."

Her mood lightened.

"So, how did the race go?"

I was surprised, I expected her to have some weird reaction to it.

"It was good, I actually have a lot to fill you in on.."

"What do you mean?"

I then told her all about Kimi and even our plans.

The mood had changed a lot since then and she was uncomfortably amazed by it all.

"Well it's safe to say one trip can change your whole life"


I looked in my mirror as I tied my long hair into a loose braid.

"Ana!! Are you ready?!"

"Yeah just wait a second...!"

I then adjusted my earrings and smiled into the mirror.

Ana then appeared behind me in the doorway. She zipped up her boots.

"So Reyna ready to go to the best cafe in town?" Smirked Ana from I've my shoulder, she was taller than me by a couple inches.

"Ooo, a cafe?"

"Yup! You're gonna love it."


Just by how it looked outside I knew it would be nice. The wooden and rustic look was so cute and it seemed so cozy.

"You already like it hmm?"

"Yup." I chuckled.

We then entered, soft Italian music played in the background. People were quiet and minded their own business, many typed away on their laptops.

After deciding what to order I finalized my decision on a latte and a donut, the donut was suggested by Ana.

Ana got an iced tea with a donut and biscuits to bring back home.

We then got a seat to wait for our orders.

"Is the wait long here?"

"Nope not at all, since this is located kinda far from the busy places it isn't too crowded."

I nodded, understanding what she said. The cafe, although nice, could easily be overlooked.

After we enjoyed our food we left a hefty tip for the small establishment.


"Alright, cafe..done. Next on the list is the boutiques!"

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