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"Enjoy the race."

Smiled security as I passed through with my special paddock pass that would allow me in the garage.

"Thank you." I grinned


"You look stunning Reyna." Kimi muttered under his breath as he gazed me up and down.

I smirked. "Thank you Kimi." I blushed.

I then talked for a bit with the team before everyone planned for the dinner arrived and we went to the restaurant.


On my right was Linda and on my left was Kimi. Then in front of me was Ollie and his girlfriend, Estelle. They seemed cute but their age difference was a little questionable. The table of staff and their plus ones was quite long and the restaurant was really nice.

I whispered to Kimi, "gosh..who's paying for all this?"

He whispered back, "since the owner loves Prema he lets us eat for free as long as he gets signatures."

I was surprised. "Really?! That's so smart!"

He chuckled at my surprised expression.

We then got our food. I chose chicken pasta. How could I not, we're in Italy after all.

"Hmm I'm starving I want something with meat and grease ..like a slice of pizza." Said Ollie in a pleased mumble from across the table. This snapped me out of thought.

Then from beside me Kimi nudged my arm.

"I bet you twenty dollars he's gonna be surprised by how Pizza looks in Italy."

I smirked. "Deal."

"Wait I think he won't be surprised" Laughed Estelle.

"Alright but don't complain when you guys end up leaving with twenty dollars out of your wallets!" Smiled Kimi.

"Kimi what do you mean pizza in Italy isn't it the same?" Ollie questioned, confused.

He just shrugged with a smirk plastered on his face.

While Ollie asked other people at the table what true Italian pizza was I asked Kimi about it since I didn't live in Italy.

He spoke softly so Ollie couldn't hear.

"Italian pizza is much smaller and way healthier."

We both laughed, "he works for an Italian team shouldn't he know??"

"Clearly he doesn't Reyna, do you hear him right now, He's asking if there's crickets on the pizza! I don't even know how he came up with that.." laughed Kimi.

Then thirty or so minutes later of talking we got our food.

We all sat in anticipation, especially Ollie because he didn't know what to expect.

"I think you guys are all gaslighting me, pizza is pizza it doesn't change." Ollie spoke.

He then unveiled the cover from the plate.

He groaned and the three of us laughed..until me and Estelle realized we lost the bet.

"Ollie what happened to wanting to eat something greasy?" Kimi teased.

Ollie jokingly rolled his eyes and replied, "don't remind me."

By the end of the dinner me and Estelle both had twenty dollars less than when we came..

Your Luck | Kimi AntonelliWhere stories live. Discover now