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In this journey through the pages of "Slashers," I've been fortunate to have a constellation of stars guiding me through both dark nights and bright days. Among these luminaries, certain names shine with a particular brilliance, their light pivotal in bringing this narrative to life.

Foremost, I extend my deepest gratitude to Shyanne. Not only did she graciously allow the use of her name for our cherished female character, but she was also a beacon of support throughout this endeavor. Shyanne, you were always there—listening to my complaints, offering invaluable advice, and extending kindness that truly made a difference. Your presence was a constant reminder that even in moments of doubt, I was not alone.

To my followers on Inkitt, and Wattpad your enthusiasm has been both a surprise and a delight. Watching our community grow has been one of the most encouraging aspects of this journey. Your eagerness and engagement have fueled my passion on days when the words seemed just out of reach. Thank you for being a source of inspiration and motivation, reminding me of the joy that comes from sharing stories.

I owe a heartfelt thank you to every reader who has traveled this path with me, chapter by chapter. Your kind words, encouragement, and anticipation for the next installment have been a lifeline during times when my mental health made it difficult to see the light. Your comments, wall posts, and inquiries about future chapters were beacons of hope amidst the fog of anxiety and depression. You helped me find strength on days when I felt utterly powerless.

To all who have added "Slashers" to their favorites, who have hearted it, and showered it with love—your affection for the characters and the story fills me with immense happiness. Knowing that you cherish this world as much as I do brings a sense of fulfillment that words can scarcely describe.

As we prepare for the journey from Inkitt and Wattpad to Amazon, I want to remind everyone of the power of reviews. If this story has touched you, made you feel seen, or simply provided an escape, please consider sharing your thoughts through a review. Your feedback is not only invaluable to me but also to future readers navigating the labyrinth of stories in search of their next adventure.

This book, "Slashers," is more than just a collection of words—it's a testament to the incredible support and love I've received from the Inkitt and Wattpad community. Without you, this dream would have remained just that—a dream. Thank you for being a part of this story, for every moment of encouragement, for every shared experience. Here's to the journey we've undertaken together, and to the paths yet to be explored.

With all my gratitude, Lynn. xx

Slasher (Brotherhood Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now