Epilogue: Dawn's Embrace

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"Before you lay a hand on her, assure me she'll come out of this unharmed," I command, my tone cutting through the sterile air of the operating room like a knife.

An emergency Cesarean section becomes the only option as our twins stubbornly refuse to adopt the proper position for a natural birth. My heart races with fear, the specter of losing Shyanne and our unborn children looming over me like a dark cloud.

I've tried every coping mechanism in the book—music, journaling, deep breathing—but none seem to quell the rising tide of panic threatening to consume me. The thought of a life without Shyanne is unfathomable, a void too vast to contemplate.

"Sit," Shyanne's voice anchors me, her hand reaching out for mine. "Hold on tight and focus on me, Santiago."

I sink onto the stool beside her, her touch a lifeline in the tumultuous sea of my emotions. "Are you in pain, Shyanne?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper, praying for a reassuring answer.

"I'm okay, husband," she reassures me, her grip steady and unwavering.

As the doctor prepares to begin, a nurse places a damp cloth in my hand. I gently wipe away the sweat beading on Shyanne's brow, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. Love has softened me, and made me vulnerable in a way I never thought possible. And now, as I stand on the precipice of losing it all, I cling to Shyanne with a desperation I cannot hide.

Resting my forehead against hers, I confess my deepest fear. "I can't bear the thought of losing you, Shyanne. Or our babies."

"You won't lose me, Santiago," she whispers, her lips brushing against mine. "Forever means forever."

"But—" I start, only to be silenced by Shyanne's gentle touch.

"No 'buts,' Santiago," she says, wiping away my tears. "We have each other, and that's all that matters."

I breathe in her scent, letting her words wash over me like a balm. "I can't imagine life without you," I admit. "I'm getting a vasectomy."

Shyanne's laughter fills the room, a beacon of hope in the darkness. "No, you're not. I want more children, Santiago."

As the doctor begins, the cries of our newborns pierce the air, a symphony of new life and boundless love.

"Oh, Daddy," a nurse says, presenting our babies swaddled in blue and pink blankets. The sight of them in my arms is overwhelming, a love I never knew possible swelling within me.

In that moment, as I gaze down at our precious babies, a fierce determination takes hold of me. How could my own mother sell my brother and me, subjecting us to unspeakable horrors? As I cradle our newborns to my chest, I vow to protect them with every fiber of my being, to shield them from the darkness that once consumed me.

"Shyanne," I murmur, "I promise to always love you, Teresa, and Samuel. I will never let anything happen to you or our babies."

As the nurse takes the babies for measurements, I watch, awestruck, my heart overflowing with gratitude. Shyanne and I had chosen their names with care, a tribute to the love and sacrifice that brought us here.

"Can we see the babies?" Alex's voice echoes down the hallway, his excitement contagious.

The nurses halt the procession, and Alex's grin lights up the room as he approaches. "How are you feeling, Mama?" he asks Shyanne, his eyes brimming with pride.

"Happy," she says, her gaze fixed on our babies. "Do you want to tell him or should I?" She glances at me, her weariness evident.

"I'll tell him," I say, grinning from ear to ear. Pointing to my baby boy, I announce proudly, "His name is Samuel Alex."

Alex's jaw drops before he breaks into a wide smile. "My nephew's middle name is mine!" he exclaims, pumping his fist in the air. Walking over to Shyanne, he kisses her on the forehead. "I love you, Mama." He then showers both babies with kisses before turning to me. "Little Alex, huh? And little Samuel?" he says with a smile. "He's going to be a wild one."

Shyanne and I laugh, the sound of joy filling the room.

Tony, Pops, and Mallory gather around Shyanne, their voices filled with awe as they admire the newborns.

"I'm glad you're okay, Mama," Alex says, gesturing towards me with a grin. "You're one strong woman to give birth to two babies and deal with this big baby," he adds, teasingly jabbing a thumb in my direction.

I wonder if Alex calling Shyanne "Mama" has something to do with our mother not being here anymore. Despite his emotional struggles, he's integrated seamlessly into our family, a testament to the strength of our brotherhood.

"Where's Big Sam?" I suddenly realize, noticing his absence.

"He's in room two zero six," Alex responds, his expression darkening with anger.

"I told you not to tell him, boy," Tony grumbles, his teeth grinding audibly.

"What happened?" I demand, my worry for my brother outweighing any anger I might feel.

"He got shot," Alex says, casting a meaningful glance at Tony. "We're brothers. He has a right to know how stupid Sam was for trying—" He trails off, leaving the rest unsaid.

"Go check on him, husband," Shyanne says, tilting her face up to meet mine. I lean down to kiss her lips softly before planting another on her forehead. I then stroke the cheeks of our baby boy and girl.

With Alex on my heels, I rush down the hospital hallway. The sound of our footsteps echoes loudly on the marble floor as we reach the elevator. I press the button for the second floor repeatedly, willing the doors to close.

"He tried going after Gregory on his own when Pops forbade him from doing so," Alex informs me once we're alone.

I shake my head in frustration as the elevator doors open, revealing the corridor to Big Sam's room. Without a word, I follow Alex inside, silently praying for my brother's safety.

As I enter the hospital room, the television drones on in the background, casting flickering shadows across Big Sam's face. He sits there, his leg encased in a cast, an image of calm amidst the chaos.

"Why didn't you wait, Sam?" I ask, my voice tinged with concern.

Big Sam shrugs, his demeanor surprisingly composed. "Call it impulse. You know how it feels."

I nod in understanding. "I do. But patience is everything, Big Sam. Once I get Shyanne and the babies home, and they're safe, we'll go after them together."

Sam nods in agreement, though I can see the stubborn determination in his eyes. He'll do what he wants, consequences be damned.

"Is your wife okay? And the babies?" Big Sam inquired, his gaze flickering to his leg before returning to meet my eyes.

I nod, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Are you okay?" I press, pulling him into a hug.

"I'll let you know when I'm healed so we can go back and deal with those pussy-ass motherfuckers," he declares, his resolve unwavering.

"Guess what our nephew's name is?" Alex interjects, breaking the tension in the room. "Samuel Alex," Alex announces proudly, his chest swelling with pride.

Big Sam looks at me with a mixture of awe and gratitude. "I love you, brother," he says simply.

"I love you too, brother," I respond, a surge of emotion welling up inside me.

There's a war brewing, and Big Sam won't be taken down twice. Our brotherhood is too strong for that.

No one will break our bond.

They ignited the spark, but we'll catch the fire and extinguish it. I'll follow my brother anywhere, no matter the cost. He saved me countless times, and now it's my turn to have his back.

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