"This is my Dad's style though."

"At least we were prepared for it."

"That's true. But now we have all kinds of press to deal with."

"What do you want to do about that? You're the professional here."

"We just need to face it head on. We can't exactly hide from it. Like you said, we knew it was coming eventually, and we've been preparing for it. We just thought that we had more time, and that we'd have to force him out."

"So we just answer all the press questions then?"

"We kind of have to. We can try to gloss over them, or refuse to answer, but avoidance isn't going to do us any favors. We just need to face it. Give them an answer without giving too much information."

"I'm hungry."

"There is a ton of food in the reception room. Should we go face the music?"

"Can I just hide in the kitchen, and stuff my pregnant face?"

"Probably not, but you can try."

"How long do we have to stay here? I already need a nap."

"At least until we can give clinic tours to the hospital board, and the news crews. I might be able to get you out of here sooner though. We'll play it by ear."

"I hope there's cake."

"Baby wants cake?"

"Chocolate cake and ice cream."

"Should we go talk to Sookie? I'm sure if there is something you need that she didn't bring, someone will be happy to run out and grab it for you."

"Baby needs food."

"Security should be back in a minute."

"Do we really need security to escort us across the lobby?"

"I'm honestly not sure at this point, but do you really want to risk getting mobbed as soon as we walk out the door?"

"Hey Babe?"

"Yeah?" Logan answered as he paced through the office.

"Come here."

"What's going on?"

"The baby is kicking, and I can actually feel it with my hands. Come here. Put your hand right here." Rory told him, taking his hand, and pressing it to her stomach. "Do you feel that? That little bump?"

"That's her?"

"That's her. That's our daughter." Rory smiled, watching the expression of pure joy spread across Logan's face.

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