10 • Sunshine Boy

420 32 17

Sunshine Boy


Warnings: SMUTTY SMUT! (Towards the end) Peach being sassy, Maggie being absolutely adorable. Hayden being well...a sunshine boy! Mention of sneaking out and baby talk.


Peach and I enter through the front door of her house, a house I've been in countless times.

"HAY HAY!" I hear my nickname being yelled out, and heavy but small footsteps marching in our direction.

Maggie jumps into my arms, I haven't seen this little peanut for a while. She wraps her little arms around my neck, while Peach stands there baffled.

Even though she kind of suspected that this would happen. "Hey kiddo!"

Her niece bolted right past her, and into my arms. Not even batting an eyelash in her direction, "Mags, what about me?"

I look at Maggie, her small face so adorable, she wore a high little bun on her head, her eyelashes long and curled at the ends, "Hiii Titiii!" She puckers up her lips, and I lean her over in Peach's direction so she'd be able to kiss her Aunt.

Or her Titi.

"Come here, girly, I brought you your Hay Hay now come love me!"

Peach tickles Maggie's sides and she surrenders to a pit of endless giggles. Loosening her grip on me, Peach's parents come in our direction too, entering the foyer.

Peach plucks Maggie right out of my arms and holds her, kissing her all over and showering her niece with love, "Oh Hayden," Peach's mom comes to hug me, gently patting my back, "how are you?"

"I'm good, Mrs.Y/l/n." I smile over her shoulder as she still hugged me tight, and I give Peach's dad a smile too, "how are you guys?"

"Stop it, you, my name hasn't changed it's still Chanel."

Peach's mom has an entitled feminine name...but she's actually the opposite. She's funny, and cool and so laid back.

"Let the boy breathe," Peach's dad, George, moves his wife out of the way before giving me a strong, manly hug, "I got this new grill, man, you gotta see it. Blackstone top, carbon steel coated, accessory shelf and 500 square inches of space, baby."

"Dad," Peach intervenes, glaring at her Dad, "stop boring him."

"Oh honey, just let your dad brag about the $400 he spent on the grill. Instead of paying the same for someone to fix the gutters in the backyard."

Peach's mom gives her husband a look, and I can't help but keep smiling. Chanel kisses her cheek and hugs her tight, well as tight as she could with Maggie still in my girlfriend's arms.

"Come on, sweetheart, let's go eat...do you want Doritos or Fritos? Are you taking care of yourself at college? I'll pack you some food to take home."

Both Peach and George think Chanel is talking to her, when in reality she was speaking to me, looping her arm through mine and she leads me to the kitchen.

I love how Peach's parents act like her and I didn't just spend a few months broken up and on a no talking basis.

They welcome me back in with open arms...they're awesome people.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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