7 • Only Girl in The World

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Only Girl in The World

WELCOME BACK to BU, you're in the Love Story world now! Where you have two of the best guy friends a girl could have💌💕

Looking forward to any feedback and reading comments! 🥹☁️ thank you so much for being here, I love to see your users pop up ✨

Warnings; smuttty smuttt! Hayden is feral for us, drunk Andy, mentions of cleaning up wounds, baseball bat, broken hearted.

Mini Additional Part at the end 💘


After apologizing to Cole, you drag Hayden back to the sorority house

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After apologizing to Cole, you drag Hayden back to the sorority house.

Cole's a good sport though, after witnessing what happened on his birthday he wasn't too bummed about it, and as long as he has Johnny with him it's always a good time.

Andy decided to head back to his own dorm when he saw his crush dancing with her new boyfriend, said he was already bummed out after he watched Teddy push you to the ground, and then seeing her with him was just the icing on the cake.

And enough for his party mood to evaporate. The rest of the guys remained, except for Steve, who doesn't really like to party. So you're glad Andy had some company on the way home.

Currently you were leaning back against the bathroom counter, Hayden sitting on the ledge of the bathtub as you gently cleaned his wound.

Your ass really hurt, after it came in contact with the smooth but firm dance floor. Teddy's always had a temper, you've seen him play on the ice and go after guys twice his size. It's in his blood to be angry and on edge. All. The. Time.

"You shouldn't have done that," Is the first thing you say to Hayden, the first thing since he got into a fight.

The ride home was silent. He didn't even say anything to you, or looked at you for that matter.

Hayden flashes his eyes from absently staring at your bathroom tile, and finally looks into your eyes, it seems he wants to say something but instead he keeps it to himself.

Bib should be getting home any minute and he doesn't want to fight in front of her.

She was traumatized enough earlier today when you were in his lap, kissing him as if there were no tomorrow.

You can see the way he bites his tongue, to prevent whatever he wanted to say from coming out. Or he was ignoring you, which you hate.

Dabbing the cotton pad onto the small patch of skin near his eyebrow that was opened thanks to Teddy's iron fist, you clean the blood up and apply a pink band aid that you and Bib kept here in the bathroom along with other toiletries.

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