The Love(r) Boys 💌

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Five different boys, five different love stories.

Here are the story names + their tropes, in no particular order. I won't include which boy belongs to which, that's for us to find out as we read! 😍

The High-school Sweetheart Story

The Best Friend to Lovers Story

The Just Hooking Up Story

The Love Triangle Story

The Opposites Attract Story

The book takes place in Boston. Specifically Boston University, with mentions of Harvard.

This story will contain five different storylines. However they all intertwine if that makes sense. Please message me if you'd like me to explain more.

💌 The Boys + Background 💌

Hayden of course attends Harvard, he wants to be a lawyer like his dad and carry the family business forward

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Hayden of course attends Harvard, he wants to be a lawyer like his dad and carry the family business forward. The reason as to why he's always at Boston University will be revealed in his first story part. He's definitely a romantic, a sunshine boy. Growing up rich, he attended many private schools, private lessons...until he begged his mom to enroll him in a public high school...for the experience. He's polite, respectful, caring, sweet, handsome and comes from a very wealthy family. The epitome of a boyfriend, mothers love him. His best friend since high school is Andy, who was the one who got him into motorcycles in the first place. He's in love with one girl, which he may have let slip away due to stupid mistake.


Andrew Stephen Barber attends Boston University and is roommates with Johnny

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Andrew Stephen Barber attends Boston University and is roommates with Johnny. He's captain of BU's basketball team. A sport his father made him fall in love with. It's possible he loves his motorcycle even more though. He's known Hayden since he was in the 10th grade, they've been inseparable ever since, even despite them attending different schools. Him and Hayden go riding on their bikes all the time, they fix the bikes up together and wash them together.  They're motorcycle lovers. He's adventurous, flirty, handsome and definitely a ladies man. Despite all the female attention...he's hung over one girl...who wants nothing to do with him.


Steve Rogers is originally from Brooklyn, New York

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Steve Rogers is originally from Brooklyn, New York. However after deciding he'd much rather live with his mom in Boston, he got accepted to BU his senior year. He's the literal opposite of Colin, which is the reason for a few arguments between them especially since they're roommates. He loves to draw, he loves to sit in the park and sketch. Boxing is another hobby of his, only to tame his anger issues he inherited from childhood trauma. The girl he's crazy about is the inspiration behind majority of his sketches, there's only one problem, she's way out of his least he thinks so...


Colin Shea is a music major at BU

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Colin Shea is a music major at BU. Although basketball takes up majority of his time, he still manages a band on the weekends at the local bar everyone at school goes to. His sister is the one who got him musically inclined at a young age. And he only plays basketball because Andy got him into it. He can't help he's a pretty boy, one that can play the guitar which means he's the ultimate chick magnet and well, he loves the attention, who needs a girlfriend when you have half the female population at BU? That is until he meets you, well find him one night...and then he can't get you out of his head or his songs.


Johnny Storm is the epitome of a pretty boy

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Johnny Storm is the epitome of a pretty boy. Yet he doesn't use his looks to his advantage like Colin does...most of the time anyway. He's a space lover, ever since he was a little boy. Knows random facts about it too. Living with his grandpa and his sister his entire life, he had a lot of leeway as his grandfather let him do whatever he wanted. This turned Johnny spoiled, the word no is non existent for him, he gets anything he wants; girls, trips, money. He loves to party, have a good time and have the occasional hook up, but that all changes when one girl shoots into his heart like a rocket ship and he can't get her out.



Let me know whose story you're most looking forward to! ❤️

Adding to your lists, sharing, commenting and favoriting is greatly appreciated and welcomed and motivating hehehe... 🥹❤️‍🩹

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