Chapter Eleven

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I bowed to the Prince who was studying the top paper on his desk and sipping on a mug of tea. "I need to resign-"


"Because I- wait, what?"

"I said denied." The Prince's voice was sharp, quiet.

"You can't deny my resignation!" I barked and stepped up to the desk.

Despite my loss of composure, the Prince remained utterly calm, his focus not leaving the task at hand when he said, "I can and I did."

"Well I can just stop showing up for work."

The Prince set down his mug and his eyes lifted slowly, tormentingly. "Why don't you tell me what this is about?"

I sucked in a breath. "I- um- well it's hard- I mean its not hard- what's hard is this- like nothing's hard it's just I don't know what-"

"Is this about what happened Friday night?"

"What? Friday night? What happened Friday night? I'm not sure what you could be referring to."

"Kenny," he said smoothly.

I let out a sigh. "Yes."

The Prince leaned back in his chair, angling his head to study my expression. "If it makes you uncomfortable, I will keep my hands to myself."

My eyes moved on their own, darting away before they returned to that gaze directed at me.

"Is that all?" There was no emotion, no reaction on the Prince's face.

I took a step back, bracing myself for what I was about to say. "Actually I wanted to ask- why did you ask me to wear revealing clothing for my punishment?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"My friend put this crazy idea in my head that you wanted to see me in them but I told him no way, it was just a joke and he probably thought it would be funny-"

"I did," he said, and his eyes seemed to brighten. "I did want to see you wearing lady's clothing and if I had it my way, instead of sitting in a boring meeting with those dumbasses, your punishment would have been to clean my room while wearing them." Those golden eyes softened, trailing down my body and I could almost feel the way they caressed every inch of my skin. "Do you know what I would have done?"

I only managed to shake my head.

The Prince lifted his arms back, interlocking his fingers behind his head and his eyes fluttered shut. "I would have sat on my bed and watched you bend over the tables and bend down to pick things up from the floor. Then I would have watched you bend over my bed to straighten out the blankets."

A warm ache grew below. My little buddy chose the worst possible time to wake up. I sucked in a breath and turned back toward the door.

"What's wrong?" The Prince said.

"I forgot about something Nefeli asked me to do."

"Does this mean you rescind your resignation?"

"Yes!" I snapped, though I would have said anything to get myself out of that room faster.

"Then I will see you in the morning." 

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