Chapter 3.5

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Two guards bowed as I barrelled across the yard toward the Crown Prince's office, dragging the horse behind me.

"Tell him I need to speak to him right now." The anger burning through me made me lose all awareness of my tone and my manners.

The guard on the right pushed the door open, just wide enough for his size and slipped into the room. Moments later, the guard returned, following closely behind a very angry looking Crown Prince.

Lucca stalked toward me, eyes snapping between me and the companion at my side.

I bowed curtly. "I cannot accept this horse."

"Why not?"

"For many reasons."

The Prince pushed past me and sank down onto the cushioned bench. "Let's hear them."

That anger inside only grew, pushing out every thought, every ounce of reason and awareness in my mind. Why did I have to explain my reasons to him? Why did I have to embarrass myself with the truth?

I was the one suffering, not him.

I took a step back. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I said," he gritted out, "let's hear your reasons."

A scoff snuck its way out and I closed my eyes for a moment to calm the fire, to soothe it and remind myself that despite it all, it was a kind gesture. I let out a deep breath and explained, "I can't afford to take care of a horse. I don't have a shed for it. I don't have any food or bedding or money for vet bills. I don't have equipment and I don't know h-" I quickly caught myself. "I don't know how I can accept a luxurious gift like this."

For a moment, Lucca remained silent. He angled his head to the side, staring up into the sky with a blank face. "I have never had anyone return a gift before."

I handed the lead rope to the nearest guard. "Thank you again, truly, but I cannot accept. I must go home now to three angry girls who will probably slit my throat in my sleep." I spun on my feet. "Good night, Your Highness."

The wind carried those words, his voice, back to me, "Good night."

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