Chapter Thirteen

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I could hear the Prince's voice in my ear, feel his breath dance across my neck- as if he was really there, stepping up behind me and grabbings my hips firmly with his strong hands. Do you like it rough, Kenny? He said low and smooth, his words tickling my skin. That's the spot, Kenny. His lips trailed across my shoulder. Do you want to wear lady's clothing while I bend you over my bed, Kenny?

"Kenny, you're spilling the water!" My Mom yanked the pitcher from my hands and hissed.
"Shit, sorry."

"You're freaking me out." Her nostrils flared as she eyed the pool of water across the bartop. "Where has your mind been lately?"

"I just have a lot to think about. That's all."

My Mom gasped, her eyes glowing brighter than the lights. "Did you meet someone?"

"No," I groaned and reached for the stack of towels on the shelf.

She snarled softly, "clean up this water then."

Nadia sauntered over, smiling from ear to ear and grabbed a few towels from the stack to mop up the water. "Don't worry, baby girl. Let Daddy take care of this."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to find you a boy your age so you can leave me alone."

"I don't want a boy," she said as the smirk crawled onto her lips. "I want a man."

"Nadia," I said and she immediately stopped cleaning. "Reign in the teenage hormones for a minute. Can I ask you something?"


"Don't take this question the wrong way, it's just out of curiosity. But- why do you like me? I mean, how did you know that you liked me more than just as a friend?"

Nadia plopped down onto the empty barstool. Her gaze dropped to the counter and she continued wiping the towel around. "Do you remember the first time we met, I was crying outside the crystal shop? You stopped to ask me what was wrong and I told you that the other kids didn't want to be friends with me because I was weird."

I nodded.

Her eyes met mine. "Everyone made me feel so unwanted and unlikeable. I told you that I wished I wasn't so weird, that I was going to try and change." She paused for a moment, her eyes softening like the smile on her lips. "You told me not to. You said who cares that you're weird as long as you're happy. Be weird, Nadia, you said. Be weird and one day you'll meet people who love you- not in spite of being weird- but because you're weird."

She laid her hand on mine, though it was not flirty nor obnoxious. "Shortly after that, I met my girls. But you Kenny- you were the first person who made me love myself. So whoever is on your mind that's making you think like this, I only hope they can show you the love and kindness you have shown me."

Yet another person I had misjudged entirely.

I offered her a warm smile. "Thank you, Nadia. You made me feel better."

"Anytime." She winked. "I know exactly how to make you feel good."

"Annddddd you made it weird again." She only chuckled and I lifted my chin to the girls' table at the back. "Go. Have fun." 

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