My Savior

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TW: the male species

What is female rage? By definition it is: 'An ancestral and inherited response to the struggles, oppressions, and wrongdoings that women have been subjected to. A compilation of the anger that our ancestors were unable to express, that is passed down through generations. It has been described as silent, seething, and compounding. It's calculated, calm, and intense. Women's anger is a force rarely seen but so powerful that it touches every aspect of our daily lives.'

But it is so, so much more than that.

The feeling itself is almost indescribable. The pain, the hurt, the betrayal, the rage.

The pure, burning, growing rage coming from deep within is almost impossible to fight against.

No matter the differences between them, female rage brings every woman together. No matter their background, race, sexuality, status, beliefs.

No matter who tries to silence them, their voices will be heard.

Women are creators. And they should be treated as such. Without them, no one would be here to witness the beauty of the world. It's called mother nature for a reason. If anything, men should be worshiping women and serving them for their gift to the planet.

To all the little girls out there, we wish to make this world a safe one for you.

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Melanie was walking along the sidewalk. The night sky above her with stars dotting the sky and giving it a beautiful view. She was wearing men's blue jeans, black trainers, and a black hoodie with a skull design on it. Her hands were nestled into her hoodie pocket, providing them with warmth.

The only source of light was that of the street lamps shining down on her every couple of houses and the passing car, which wasn't often considering it was around nine at night.

Her eyes flicked between gazing at the night sky, admiring its natural beauty, and the street ahead of her to ensure that she didn't walk into anything. There was a slight skip in her step. Afterall, it had been an eventful day for her.

Melanie could hear the sound of a car, but decided to ignore it, thinking that it would pass by like all the others. Boy, was she wrong.

The car slowed, rolling along the road at the same pace that Melanie walked. She could feel someone's gaze burning a hole into the side of her.

Turning to look at the car, she could see the dark tinted windows of the sleek black car. Shaking her head, she looked down at the pavement, beginning to pick up her pace. Gone was the skip in her step, replaced instantly with caution. She didn't know what to expect, nor did she want to find out.

The window of the car rolled down, revealing a man in all dark clothing. Melanie could see a glimpse of him from the corner of her eye, though it was hard to get a good look at him in the darkness of the night. "Hey, beautiful." The deep voice called out for her.

A shiver ran down Melanie's spine, and that was certainly not from the cold of the night.

"Why don't I take you for a ride, sweetheart. I'll show you a real good time."

His voice alone was enough to make her feel dirty. Her eyes slowly moved towards him, though she did not once stop walking. "I'm okay."

Now that Melanie was looking at the man, she could see the cruel smirk curling at his lips, the shadows concealing his face making the moment all the more sinister. "Oh, don't be like that. No one likes a prude." The man said, his tone no longer 'friendly' like it was a moment ago. "I also have some candy for you."

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