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Ever since Delilah started in Travscot High School, a certain group of students were trying to befriend her. The group all seemed friendly and close with each other. Delilah trusted them and for the first year since she joined their friend group, she felt somewhat.. Left out. They were so close and knew each other better, and then there was her: an outsider.

The second year was worse for her as the group often said mean things to her and excluded her from certain activities, as well as on one occasion, the lunch table they sat at. Delilah felt pressured into saying rude and nasty things about another girl, who was friends with the oldest person in the friend group. Everyone else was doing it, and she thought that it may just be a joke. That was until the girl ran off crying.

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"I can't reach her," One of the girls, Hannah, said. She turned to look at Delilah, snickering, "You should try, you're closer." She extended her hand, passing the plastic bottle to Delilah.

Thinking it was all a joke, Delilah took the bottle and turned towards the other table, diagonally behind Delilah to her right. Cocking her arm back, she looked over the tallest boy in their year and threw the bottle, though it only ended up missing the girl to the left of him.

"Here, try again." Another girl, Amelia, said. She was the eldest in the group.

Sighing, Delilah took the bottle from Amelia and threw it again, gently hitting the boy in the back.

This went on a few times, the boy passing the bottle back to them, oblivious to what was going on and 'ignoring' their comments about them 'accidentally dropping' the bottle. Finally, after a good ten times of this happening, the boy turned back to the group, annoyed. "Why do you keep hitting me in the back?"

Delilah shook her head, "We weren't aiming at you." She said, to which the other girls giggled and laughed.

The girl beside the boy instantly knew what they meant. She stood up from her seat, running back inside the school and into the bathroom, locking herself in a stall.

Delilah watched in shame, not thinking it would hurt her feelings that much. She felt guilty inside, though she didn't say anything in fear of being mocked for it.

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Delilah realised how bad that felt when the group started to act that way towards her. She got told, daily, to 'kill herself' and one day, it was worse than that. Sitting in Science, Delilah kept her head down as she did the work which was asked of her. Then, the two girls to her left began to speak. "I'd sign a petition for Delilah to kill herself." One girl said. It was Hannah.

The other laughed, "Yeah, I think most in this class would: James, Derik, Jess, Mark, Chris... actually, I think everyone in this room would, even Mr Hudson." The girl, who Delilah considered her best friend, Courtney, said with a cruel smile. It was cruel to Delilah. But... maybe they were just joking. Maybe they didn't know how much it hurt: the tear in her heart they just cut open.

Just two more years. All you have to do is get through this year and do your GCSEs and then school is over and you'll never have to see them again. Delilah thought to herself, gripping her pen tighter. She just had to get out of this classroom. She wouldn't wait for the two, just leave.

That's exactly what she did, left. The second they were dismissed from the class, she put her book away and then speed walked out of the classroom, down the corridors, down the stairs, out the doors, down the hills, up the hills towards her house. As she was getting the keys out of her bag, tears brimming in her eyes, her neighbour passed her, seeing the state she was in but saying nothing. No one ever helped her.

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