The Innocent New Girl

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Loralie was new to Heavescotch High School, and a year 11. At first look, everyone assumed she was in year 10 considering how young and innocent she looked: dark brown wavy hair that went just below her shoulder blades, some of which gently fell over her face, covering some of her eye; dark brown eyes that looked almost hazel in the light; soft, smooth skin that it appeared she had no acne at all; and she was always prepared for school, having all her equipment ready in her bag. Unfortunately for the boys, she wore trousers instead of a skirt like all the other girls, but they didn't seem to mind, it only added to their imagination. Not to mention that she was usually quiet and kept to herself.

Sighing, Loralie looked out at the pouring rain. She had just left the library after studying. Everyone was already gone... or so she thought. "Here, take this." A deep voice said. Looking to her right, she saw one of her male classmates, the troublemaker - Jaxton, holding out an umbrella. Of course he was still at school, he had detention almost everyday. But she had to admit, he was a handsome one: his light brown hair fluffy; his jawline sharp; his ocean blue eyes piercing; and - a definite bonus to his looks - he worked out, his muscles flexing through his uniform.

Slowly, Loralie shook her head, waving her hand dismissively. "I don't want it."

"I wasn't asking." He persisted.

"And I'm not taking it." She said firmly, shooting him a small glare before stepping out into the rain. Loralie never minded the rain, she quite enjoyed it, finding it... calming.

"No.. I-" Groaning, Jaxton caught up with Loralie in two long strides. Opening the umbrella, he held it above her head, preventing the rain from hitting her while he became drenched.

Loralie scoffs and continues to walk, ignoring Jaxton. No matter how much she picked up her pace, he persisted, holding the umbrella over her no matter what. If he was being honest, he wanted to hear her voice more, even if that meant he had to annoy her to hear it.

"So.. you going home?" Jaxton asks, sounding a little shy as he tries to strike up a conversation with her. When she doesn't answer, he grabs her upper arm with his free hand, stopping her from walking and holding the umbrella over the two of them now. "Don't ignore me." He sighs.

Rolling her eyes while looking away from him, Loralie, too, sighed before looking up at Jaxton. The height difference was only about four inches, but she still had to look up to meet his eyes. "No, I'm not."

"Not ignoring me or not going home? You shouldn't stay out in this weather-"

"I can do what I want. You're not the boss of me." For a moment, she thought she heard some concern in his voice, but she brushed it off. "Let go of me."

Without needing to be told twice, Jaxton let go. He was known to be more cruel, a bully of sorts. But around her... he couldn't help but listen. His heart wouldn't let him do anything else.

After staring at him for a few more seconds with a hard look, she turned and continued to walk. And Jaxton continued to hold the umbrella above her head. With a groan, she stopped walking, causing Jaxton to walk a few steps ahead as he didn't expect the abrupt stop. "Stop. I don't want nor do I need an umbrella, much less yours."

Jaxton ignored the insult. "You'll catch a cold." There it was, that same worry in his voice.

Loralie shrugs. "Stop." She repeats herself before turning on her heel and walking in the opposite direction, which was back towards the school. She suppressed a smirk.

Jaxton stood there for a while, his hand still raised as he held the umbrella. To a passerby, he looked like a drenched, lost puppy. It was almost cute, almost. Shaking his head, Jaxton regained himself and jogged to catch up with Loralie. "Hey, wait up." He called out to her, slowing his pace once he caught up to her. Closing the umbrella, Jaxton matched his pace with her's, moving his left foot in sync with hers. "Fine, I won't be a gentleman and offer you my umbrella... but I will walk with you to make sure you get to.. wherever you're going, safely."

BetrayalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon