Taemin - Coffee Shop

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Taemin tapped his foot impatiently as he waited at his usual table in the coffee shop. It was here that he'd first met her, the woman he now wanted to confess to.

On that day he'd finished work late and had had a craving for iced coffee, but while on his way to his table he'd tripped and managed to spill it everywhere, including on her dress. She'd been really nice about it and had even helped him clean it up. They'd started talking afterwards when he'd offered to buy her a new dress, and it went from there.

"Hey, I hope you didn't wait too long." She smiled as she sat opposite him, making him smile too even though he was nervous.

"Of course not. Do you want me to order?"

He got them both something to drink along with some cake.

"What's the cake for?" she asked, tilting her head to one side.

"Just to celebrate." He shrugged.

"Talking about a celebration, the client approved my design!" She clapped her hands, making him smile again. She was a talented artist who definitely deserved her newfound success.

"Really? That's great news!"

"Do you wanna see?"

She produced a notebook from her bag and excitedly showed him the design.

"It looks really good. Congratulations."

He placed his hand on top of hers and she blushed, looking up at him in surprise.

"So Taemin, what did you want to celebrate?"

"Ah, about that..." He cleared his throat and produced a bouquet of flowers from under the table.

"Are these for me?"

He nodded, holding it out until she took it.

"These are beautiful, but why?"

Taemin felt himself heat up as he tried to find the right words.

"Do you remember how we first met?"

"When you drenched me in coffee?"

"Yah, it wasn't even that much!" he exclaimed, and she laughed. "We talked for ages afterwards, and I think that's how it started."

"Our friendship?"

"My love for you."

She met his eyes in shock, the blush on his cheeks deepening.

"Ever since then I've cheered you on from the sidelines, I've watched you achieve your dreams, I've cherished you as a friend. And you've been there for me too, in times when others weren't. But it's not enough for me, I need more."

He dared to put both of his hands over hers on the table.

"That's why I need to ask you if maybe... you could see me as more than a friend? I promise I'll cherish you and treat you right."

In front of his earnest expression of genuine love, she didn't know how to respond for a moment.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

She nodded, a tear falling down her cheek. "Of course Taemin. It'd be an honour."

He smiled widely and got up to hug her.

"Careful! You'll knock the coffee over again."

He shrugged bashfully. "I guess you'd have to get changed then."

"Lee Taemin! It hasn't even been five minutes!"

He smirked and leaned down, capturing her lips in a kiss in the almost empty coffee shop. They both smiled as he pulled away, looking into each other's eyes.

"Wanna get out of here afterwards? I want to walk by the river with you."

"Of course, jagi."

He entertwined his fingers with hers, moving to sit beside her.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled back.

Taemin kissed her hand before deciding to feed her the cake, laughing as he got more on their faces than inside their mouths.

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