Jonghyun - In My Room

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"So, where are we going today?"

Jonghyun looked down at the petite woman beaming up at him, holding her cold hand in his.

"Back to my place."

"Your place?" Her voice rose in pitch.

"Yes, my place." Jonghyun smiled.

In the few months they'd been together, Jjong had never taken his girlfriend to his apartment. It was a place so personal to him that he felt he couldn't take just anyone back there. But she was special, and he found himself wanting to open up to her more.

"Come, it's this way."

She followed him as they walked through the cold streets, both of their scarves wrapped firmly around their necks. Jonghyun put her hand in his pocket to warm it up and she looked up at him with her big eyes, warming his heart.

He typed in his passcode and let her into a modern-looking apartment, cleaned especially for her.

"Wow, you have a nice place," she commented, looking around.

"Thank you. It doesn't usually look like this, but I thought I'd make an effort."

He took her coat and set her things down before showing her around, ending with his room.

"This is my room," he said as he rested his hand on the door handle. "I don't think I've showed this to anyone outside of my family."


"Yeah. It's my safe space."

He let her in and she looked around at his various knick knacks, eventually sitting on his messy bed. Jjong purposely hadn't cleaned this space up so she could see him in his element.

"So, do you like it?" he asked a little nervously.

She smiled. "I do. It's so you."

Jonghyun smiled back and sat beside her, giving her a kiss.

"Let me show you something."

He opened his bedside table and took out a notebook.

"This is where I write lyrics." He opened it and flipped to the most recent page. "Actually... I wrote a song about you." He blushed a little.

"You did? That's really sweet." His girlfriend leaned closer to him. "Can I hear it?"

Jjong smiled and composed himself, singing the tune he'd thought of as his girlfriend looked at him, enraptured.

"Of course it's not perfect yet..." He looked down.

"It is to me." She kissed him and held his hand. "Thank you so much, Jjong."

Jonghyun couldn't hold back the wide smile that slid across his face.

"So, now that you've seen everything, do you wanna watch a movie together?"


"Great! I'll set everything up."

Jjong lit the candles in his room and came back with popcorn in a bowl and some drinks. They settled on his bed, sliding their legs under the covers. He could barely focus on the film as he admired his girlfriend, who was leaning her head against his shoulder. Sliding his arm around her, he planted a kiss on her head and held her close.

By the time the movie finished, she was cuddled up in his arms.



"Thanks for taking me here and showing me all your private stuff. I know how much it means to you and I really appreciate it."

"It's because you mean so much to me," he replied, combing her hair back with his fingers. "I love you."

She looked up into his beautiful brown eyes. "I love you too."

They shared a kiss which gradually got more passionate as it went on.

"Do you... Do you want to stay over with me? You don't have to, of course," said Jonghyun nervously.

"Of course I do, silly." She booped his nose and settled into his embrace again.

Jonghyun held his girlfriend close that night, singing the song he'd written for her as a way of expressing his feelings. Stroking her hair, he whispered sweet nothings until she fell asleep, and right before he drifted off too, he thought about how happy he was that he'd invited her into his room - and deeper into his heart.

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