"Too far? I'll show you too far!"

"You do not get to say those kinds of things and expect to get away with it."

"We didn't even say anything-"

"Oh, were playing like that? Alright, I'll play along. 'She's pretty hot though.' "

"'I'd tap that', sound familiar?"

Are they talking about Hideko? The boys thought.

"Holy crap. I think they're talking about princess."

They looked at each other then Terushima aggressively opened the door.

"Nobody speaks!"

Everyone from Nekoma and Inarizaki looked at him.

"What the hell is going on here?! Are you talking crap about Hideko? Because if you are, God help me, someone is going to get hurt." He growled at the 2 teams with a furious glare.

"That's what we've been saying!" Yamamoto shouted.

"They're the bastards. Not us." Kenma grumbled as he glares at the other team behind Kuroo.

Terushima marched towards the Inarizaki team.

"What the fck were you saying?!" He asked as he angrily points at each of them.

"This is a misunderstanding." Kita tried to explain.

"They took things out of proportion." Suna added.

"Out of proportion!?" Kuroo yelled.

"I admit, there were some vulgar comments made. But there was no intention to be -" Kita tried to explain once again.

"I don't care. I don't care whatever you meant. Who the fck said these 'vulgar' things about her?!"

Everyone in Inarizaki was quiet.

Fcking Atsumu.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Bokuto yelled with a grin as he entered the bathroom cramped with people.

"Whoa, we're too early Akaashi."

"No we're not Bokuto. We're just in time." He sighed as he looked at the boys who were glaring at each other.

What is going on? Nevermind, we are not getting involved.

"Hey Kuroo! What do you say we sneak in the kitchen later. I heard there were still some cake!" Completely oblivious of the atmosphere.

Kuroo ignored him.

"Bokuto. I think it's best if we leave for now." Akaashi said.

"Why? I thought we're just in time?"

"I was wrong. We should just go back later."


"We can go to the kitchen first. Then we'll go back here after."

"Sounds good, little red is still there. I heard she's making snacks for tomorrow. Maybe she'll give us free tastes or something." He said as he walked out the bathroom with Akaashi closing the door.

"Stay away from her. Do you hear me?!" Terushima yelled as he turned around and went out the bathroom leaving his team and the other teams behind.

"Hold up! I'm coming with you two!"

And here I thought I'm a prick. Terushima thought as he walked with the 2 Fukurodani players.

Hideko sang as she made protein bars for tomorrow, swaying her hips.

KARASUNO'S MANAGER - Haikyu VariousWhere stories live. Discover now