Chapter 14|Get together

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I took an excited breath. I was going to hang out with Harrison, Jesse, and Maxi at Icebergs. I quickly threw on a sweat suit type thing, I grinned slightly and tied my hair back, like a slicked back ponytail. I grabbed my phone and a small wallet, I was trying to decide if I should drink, I hadn't for over a year, so I guess why not, I mean, Ollie's at grampy's for today and tomorrow, soo.

 I grabbed my phone and a small wallet, I was trying to decide if I should drink, I hadn't for over a year, so I guess why not, I mean, Ollie's at grampy's for today and tomorrow, soo

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"Hey Harrison, Jess, Maxi!" I greeted the boys who were waiting outside Icebergs. "Hey Olly!" Harrison smiled, hugging me. I grinned and hugged him back, Maxi pulled me into a bear hug and the Jesse came to give me a hug. I giggled awkwardly and mouthed at Harrison 'HELP ME!' He chuckled and pried Jesse off of me. "How was your guys' day?" I asked as we walked in. "Not terrible, pretty busy, and really irritating, so we're here." Harrison replied. I nodded, "And dealing with Maxi when he came to get lunch was exhausting," Maxi punched my shoulder, giving me a hurt look. "Mate I was joking!" I giggled, rolling my eyes. "Yeah mate, Olly's not that mean, I mean kinda," Jesse added. "True, but she's not mean to me," Harrison said. I cleared my throat. "This Olly girl is standing right here as you discuss her." I pointed out, grabbing Harrison's hand, and leading him over to the bar.

"Okay, Olly, what do you want? I'll pay!" Harrison said. I shrugged, "Just a beer, I'll pull a Jethro." Maxi cackled behind me and clapped my back. "Course Maxi, get your hands off of me, no offense, but quit it." I muttered. He did, and I immediately lightened up, he was not exactly someone I wanted to do that, that's a Harrison only thing, you know? Harrison handed me my beer and we all went to sit down. I took a sip of my beer, and honestly memories started flooding through my mind, mum and I used to come here and drink a beer or two every once in a while when we got stressed. I leaned my head on Harrison's shoulder, and continued to sip my beer while they were all chatting about work. "Olly, you bored?" Harrison asked me, I shook my head, "no, I'm just a bit drained from this past week, getting used to my new job, and Olls quit his nap at daycare, so he's going the entire day without a nap so he's always super cranky when I see him. Also I'm just getting nostalgia from being here." He nodded and put an arm around me. Soon I finished my beer and Harrison and I grabbed another for ourselves. "Maxi, Jess, Harrison and I are bored, wanna go to a better bar?" I called to the boys after my second beer. They all agreed and we went to Harrison's car, he was most sober.

"Harrisonnnnnnnn, work tomorrowww?" Maxi asked. "Nah mate we're all off, I don't know why we're off together, but it's also Saturday," he replied. "No way!" Jesse said disbelievingly, I giggled, "Yeppo!" We chatted in our drunken state until Harrison pulled up to the bar. "We're here guys!" He exclaimed, we piled out of the car, Jesse had to help Maxi into the bar, it was funny. "Harrison! Wanna do karaoke?" I asked, he shook his head, "Nope, Olly, I would have to have at least 6 shots before I did that." I groaned, and dragged him to the counter. "Get shots." I ordered. "Okay, I'll get four, two for me, two for you, okay?" He replied. I nodded my head, and he ordered them. "Okay, let's do the first one 3, 2, 1!" I yelled, and we downed the first shots. "Ew, Olly, these are gross!" Harrison complained. "Okay, so do you want to go do Karaoke now?" I replied. He shook his head, and I giggled. We downed our second round, and I went a bit loopier than I was.

"Harrison?" I said sweetly, "what's up Olly?" He replied. "Ugh, I'm dead," I replied, sticking out my tongue. "Olly, do you need to go home?" He chuckled. I jumped into his arms and clung to him. "Olly? What're you doing?" He asked, amused. "I'm not leaving." I said. He chuckled and pried me off of him. "We're calling Tessa and Mel, okay?" I shook my head and snatched his phone from his hand. I ran out of his sight and went to Maxi.

"Ollyyyyyy!" Maxi said, smiling awkwardly. "Heyy Maxi!" I replied, a bit more sober than he was. "I like the, the, whatever it is," he said, motioning to his drink. "Ohh, you do?" I asked. He nodded and tripped over a chair. I giggled, and helped him up from the ground. "Maxi, wanna annoy Harrison?" I asked, he nodded, and we made our way over to Harrison.

"Harrison!" I called, he looked over and came over to us. "Oooooh! Harrison!" Maxi cooed. Harrison immediately rolled his eyes in mild concern and amusement. "I like unicorns!" He yelled. I nodded, and waved Jesse over. "What did you do to him Olly?" He asked, walking over. Maxi was now leaning on Harrison aggressively, and I was cracking up. "Yeah, I don't know what I did, but it's amazing!" I gasped, leaning on Jesse's shoulder. "Olly, come here," Harrison said, I obeyed, and he sat me down. "You're like really pale, and you look exhausted," he observed. I shrugged, "I mean, I'm not super tired, but sometimes if I drink too much, my blood pressure drops, so that might be it," I replied. He looked at me, "I'm sitting with you, and we can chat okay?" He smiled. I nodded and hugged him. He sat together and chatted for like an hour before Maxi was just about blackout drunk, where they decided to load him into their car, and I called Tessa and Mel to pick me up.

"Bye Harrison, bye Jess, by Maxi!" I called, waving at them. They waved back and I climbed into Tessa's jeep. "Hey Tess, hey Mel!" I greeted them cheerfully. "Hello you," Tessa smiled, looking back at me from the drivers seat. "So how was tonight Olly?" Mel asked jealously, since she was pregnant she was kind of mad that she couldn't drink. "Well I went a bit loopy and then my blood pressure dropped, so Harrison and I sat together and chatted." I replied. "Oh, so you aren't like wreaking havoc in the bar with a drunk Maxi." She asked, I shook my head and Tessa pulled out of the parking lot.

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