Chapter 6|Too Much

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This week, especially the new case was rough, and I had my dad watch Ollie the entire week, I missed him so much. Today I was going to pick him up and hang with Harrison since Olls wanted to. I needed to ask Harrison an important question about mental health and my job. Safe to say, I was pretty nervous, since Harrison was big in mental health and I didn't want to admit to the toll my job was taking on me, especially since it's my dream to work with CPS, but I couldn't handle it. I also felt really guilty for ditching Oliver, I love the kid, but I didn't want anything to happen.
8:00 PM
"Ollie!" I screamed, my little boy running towards me. Tears started streaming down my cheeks as I held Ollie in a hug. "Mummy! I missed you. I love you." He whispered a big grin in his face. "I love you most baby." I replied. I picked him up and thanked my father. I walked over to Harrison who got to watch the reunion of Oliver and I, he'd picked me up, and we were going to his house since Ollie wanted to.

"Olly, that was adorable, and Olls, your mum is the best mum ever," Harrison smiled at us, when we got into his car. "I missed the kid so much." I replied, smiling. "Mummy, I'm tired." Ollie muttered before falling asleep. I grinned and looked at Harrison who'd decided to drive around so we didn't wake Ollie up. "Hey, Harrison, can I tell you something?" I asked quietly. He nodded, "Yeah, Olly what's up?" He asked. I took a shaky breath, "well, that case took a really big toll on me, I feel so horrible and sick every time I think about Rosey's case, and it's affecting me more than I'd like to admit." I muttered, feeling the tears start to build up. "Olly, you know that it's not good to feel that way, do you need to take a break from work?" Harrison replied, I could see a concerned look on his face. "Uhm, I love my job, but maybe it's too much." I said thoughtfully. "That's understandable, Oll, I want what's best for you, we're best friends and I don't want anything to happen to you, take a break okay?" Harrison replied, reaching for my hand, as I was starting to shake a little. "Thank you Harrison, I might even quit, I mean if it affects me this much, that isn't good, and that is t even a worst possible case." I said, quietly. I squeezed his hand and he smiled. "Olly, do what you think is best, but don't rush into a decision, I'll be here to help though, okay?" I nodded slightly, feeling a lot better, just knowing that my best friend had my back.

"Olly, wake up," I felt a hand pushing gently on my shoulder. I opened my eyes groggily, "Harrison where are we again?" I asked, he smiled. "Olly, we're at my apartment, and I tried to get you out of the car. Impossible to move you, you tense up in your sleep, you were a living rock." He replied with a stressed tone. "Oh and I took Olls in, he's sleeping on a chair crib that I made." I grinned. "Thank you Harrison." He smiled and squeezed my shoulder. I got up and climbed out of his car, I made my way into his apartment with him and collapsed onto the couch. Harrison put a blanket on me and Ollie next to me. I snuggled my sleeping boy and fell asleep on the couch.
6:00 AM
I woke up to a small voice laughing and a warm smell of eggs in the kitchen. I opened my eyes to see Ollie talking with Harrison and helping him make some eggs. I smiled before pulling my phone out of my purse that was placed next to me, I snapped a quick photo and went to join my son and best friend.

"Hello boys." I said, aggressive morning voice. "Hello Olly, how was your sleep?" Harrison replied looking over at me, "I would guess that it was good, looking at your hair," I smiled at his teasing remark, "don't you say that, look at you!" I joked, ruffling his hair. He chuckled and went back to his eggs, I looked at Ollie who was standing on a chair as a stool helping Harrison. "Olls, how are you liking it here buds?" I asked. He smiled but didn't say anything, he just gave me a big hug. "Love you to the moon and back Olls." I whispered. He just gave me a kiss and snuggled into my waist. I sat down on the kitchen chair and he crawled into my lap, I didn't expect him to, but I guess I forgot how little my little boy was.

"Okay you two, breakfast is ready, and right after I'm off to work, I think that you two deserve a beach day though." Harrison called. I picked up Ollie and put him on a chair. I sat down next to him and Harrison served us some eggs. "Thanks again Harrison, you've been nothing but amazing for us." I said, he smiled, "No problem Olly, it was fun to see you two snuggling on the couch this morning, specifically while little Oliver was trying to escape your clutches," he broke off in laughter, and I was overcome with giggles by the thought. We all chatted and Ollie asked some really bizarre questions before asking me to take him to the beach, but not go back home. I decided, why not? So Ollie and I decided to go to the beach in our pajamas and bed heads, but Harrison decided that it would be the perfect time to introduce his best friends to his work mates.

We all walked into the tower, and I smiled awkwardly. "Hey boys, I wanted to introduce my friends to my workmates so, this is Olly and Oliver." Harrison said happily. "Olly, this is Harries, Jethro and Maxi." I smiled at them, holding Ollie a little closer to me. "Hi guys." I said shyly, putting Ollie down. "Hey Olly, and hello little guy." Harries replied, smiling as Olls made his way over to him. I smiled awkwardly as my son climbed into a random man's lap. "I'm sorry about Olls, he doesn't really have boundaries," I apologized quickly. The boys laughed at me, making me flush. "So Olly, I'm Jethro, do you surf?" He asked, I nodded, "yeah I surf here a lot actually." "That's nice, are you any good?" He asked, I shrugged and Harrison butted into the conversation. "Olly, you're good at surfing and you know that." He told me sternly, I rolled my eyes while he was reassuring me, and Maxi lost it. "Harrison, my god mate, you are so in love!" He giggled. I looked at Harrison who smiled slightly, "mate the hell?" He asked, flushing slightly. "Mumma, why are they yelling?" Ollie screamed over the top of them. "Buddy, lower the tone, you're loud." I replied. He groaned and Harries chuckled, "I remember this stage, I have two boys myself." I smiled slightly, "yeah, I love this one, he's pretty good." I said. "Olly did a great job with him, so protective over her, and just loves her and other people to bits, and what I know, he's super helpful with laundry and cooking." Harrison said to the guys, making me grin. "He did do the laundry with you?" I asked weakly. Harrison nodded, "yeah it was his idea, went to my room and loudly proclaimed that he was waking you up so that you could teach me how to do laundry." I looked at him, shocked, "Ollie, what?" I gasped, causing the guys to burst into laughter. "Don't worry, I told him that I could do laundry, and he decided to help." Harrison laughed, recalling the events. I rolled my eyes, "my gosh, Ollie, you're so silly." He grinned at me and ran into my arms again. We decided to sit with the lifeguards and watch the beach with them, since Ollie really wanted to, and Harrison and the others were fine with it, after they checked with Hoppo.

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