Chapter 12|New Job

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I got a job at the cafe that Mel works at, she was doing the hiring so I was obviously in, today was my first day, and this job is uh, interesting.

"Olly!" Mel screeched, running towards me as I walked into the cafe next to Bondi. "Mellie!" I exclaimed, giving her a big hug. She smiled and lead me back to the kitchen, "Olly, so this is your uniform, and you'll be the waitress and cashier, Eliana and I bake, and yeah you're good at it, but we like it more." She said, I nodded, Mel was right, and she made sure that I got to work with the people. "So is it just us three?" I asked. "Oh yeah, and Harrison's mates might come in. They pop by for some food here every once in a while." She added, "ooh! Yay!" I exclaimed. "Yep, but you should get changed." She smiled. I nodded and ran to the bathrooms to change. "Olly, there you are, I thought you died!" Eliana smiled, I grinned and went to the cash register to wait for the first customers.

"Hey mate, what would you like today?" I greeted our first customer. "Heyy, Olly isn't it?" The man asked. I nodded confused, "Yes?" He chuckled. "My god we've heard about you, and a few of the boys have met you haven't they?" I smiled slightly, "Are you Harrison's workmate?" He smiled, "Yeah, I'm Bruce, Hoppo, they call me, I'm the boss, the boys are tired of waiting to meet you mate," I giggled, "Okay, good to know, might have to have Harrison invite them to a party or something so I can meet them, what can we get for you today?" He smiled, "I'd like 7 bagels, all the basic, and a container of the cream cheese, strawberry." I nodded, and quickly grabbed them for him, "breakfast for the boys huh?" He nodded, "Thanks Olly," I grinned, "Of course mate, have a good day! Tell Harrison hi!" "Okay, mate will do!" He called back. I sighed, a smiled growing on my face. "Olly, you've got a huge blush on!" Mel said, hugging me. I chuckled, "Yeah, Hoppo just came in and informed me that he and the boys know basically everything about me, Harrison's got a big mouth." She grabbed my face and looked at me excitedly, "Olly! He likes you, he fucking likes you!" She shrieked. "Ow Mel, and I know he does, and I kinda like him too." I replied, rubbing my ear. She giggled and rolled her eyes at me. I chuckled and the second customer came in, "I'm out," Mel whispered, running back to the kitchen. "Yeah, hey mate, what can we get you today?" I smiled. "Hey, you're Olivia," the guy said. I nodded, "yep, what can we do for you?" "Well, first I know you from instagram, your following has grown a lot, especially since you and Harrison Reid became friends, all the lifeguards follow you and so do most of their fans." He said. "Oop, good to know mate, thanks." I smiled. "Yep, anyways, I'd like a donut, and an extra for my mate up at bondi, Harries." He smiled. "Great, what kind?" I asked, "chocolate glaze, thanks mate," he replied, I nodded and grabbed two donuts for him, and he laid and left happily.

I wish I could work at bondi, but there's no way, and I'm not willing to work such long hours, maybe I could just befriend more of the lifeguards, I mean I go to bondi a lot.

"Olly, you want lunch? Or do you want to run down to the tower and abduct Harrison?" Mel asked, I chuckled, "mind if I pop down to Bondi and take Harrison up here?" I asked, "sure that's cool with me, might want to ask Hoppo," she chuckled. I groaned and ran from the cafe. I ran up to the tower door, and knocked, completely out of breath. "Mate what do you need now-oh." A lifeguard answered the door. I giggled, completely out of breath, "Hi," I gasped. "Hey mate, are you by chance Olly?" He smiled. "Yup that's me," I giggled. "Well, come in, come in," he said beckoning me in, "okay!" I smiled, entering the tower. "Hey Olly!" Singlets greeted me. I waved shyly, "so, what's your name?" I asked the guy who'd answered the door. "Oh Olly, you know me, I'm Jesse." He chuckled, I racked my brain. "Oh shit, you were at Tama when I got heat exhaustion!" I cackled. "Yep, looking for Hutz?" He chuckled. I nodded, blushing slightly. "He's on lunch break with Chap," he replied, "I'll radio him." He pulled out his radio, "Hutz, Olly's at the tower, get over here." He said. "Olly's here? On my way!" Harrison replied. I smiled hearing his voice, and Jesse noticed. "Like the bloke do you?" He chuckled, I nodded my head slightly, causing the rest of the lifeguards to chuckle.

"Hey Olly!" Harrison said, rushing into the tower and engulfing me into a bone crushing hug, don't get me wrong, I adore his hugs, but this was a lot. "Hi Harrison," I gasped, hugging his neck. He let me go and I took a deep breath, "Hutz you crushed the woman!" Jesse joked. I looked over at the door which had opened to Chappo, one of the lifeguards I hadn't met. "Oh, hello, I'm Chappo." He smiled. I grinned, "I'm Olly." He pulled me into a hug, "Harrison talks about you constantly." He chuckled. I smiled slightly, and gave Harrison a look, "what do you tell them?" I asked. He smiled awkwardly, "not how many times you've been woken up by me and then started yelling at me in your cranky daze." I rolled my eyes, "does he actually?" I asked the others. They nodded, laughing softly. I groaned, "anyways, Harrison, want to drop by the cafe that I'm working at?" I asked. He nodded and we ran over to Mel's cafe.

"So Harrison what do you want?" I asked, he shrugged so I threw a soup container at him, it was sealed and I dragged him to the microwaves in the kitchen. We heated it up, and chilled in the back while Eliana went to tend to the front. "Harrison, you doing anything tomorrow? I'm off and I'm gonna be bored, since Ollie is at daycare every day during the week." I said, "you're in luck Olly, I'm off tomorrow, we can take Tessa with us surfing if you'd like." He replied. I raised my eyebrows, "Tessa?" He chuckled. "Well you always seem more out of your shy shell when she's there and then you're more fun." " Really Harrison?" I giggled hitting him in the face, and ruffling his hair. He chuckled, "No I'm kidding, but you are more giggly with one of your other friends too, if you don't want to bring her we don't have to." I smiled and grabbed a spoonful of his soup. He rolled his eyes and we mostly just joked the rest of our lunch break, I walked him back to work and sprinted back to mine,

"Olly, you're so flirty with that man." Mel observed. I rolled my eyes, "yeah but there's a reason, he's my best friend that I caught feelings for." Mel giggled and I cracked and giggled too, we were closing up the cafe, and my car decided to stop working so Harrison was taking me home too. "Okay, thanks for giving me the job Mel, but I have to go, Harrison's got Ollie in the car and I need to go supervise so Ollie doesn't convince him to drive off a cliff.

"Hey Ollie! Hey Harrison!" I smiled. I climbed into the front seat and flashed a huge smile at Harrison, who blushed and flashed a shy smile back. I smirked to myself knowing that we both like each other, and I'm messing with him. "So how was your day Harrison?" I asked. "Not too bad, I was jealous when harries had a friend bring in donuts this morning but you made up for it, how was your day?" He responded making me blush. "It was good, but Hoppo popped in, and knew my name, and Harries' friend popped by for the donuts and knew my name," I replied, suddenly Harrison had a more jealous look on his face, "how does that guy know you?" He asked. "He said from insta, so I'm not sure." I replied, "okay... Well, the bondi fans are probably following you, which means there are the stalker men that come for Whippet's kids and Jules' kids. So be careful Olly, don't post anything too revealing as they'll start stalking you more, and then I'd suggest putting your account on private, Jess did that after he and Tullie started dating." He said thoughtfully. "Aww look at my best friend being so protective of me," I joked. He blushed, and pulled into my driveway, "Bye Harrison, see you tomorrow!" I said, hugging him tightly before getting out of the car to grab Ollie.

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