Chapter 2|Tama Surf

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Oliver grabbed my shirt, "Mumma, can I go to grampy's house?" He begged. I chuckled, "Buds, you're going to grampy's house in an hour. But we have to get ready first." He groaned, "Mumma, can I have food?" I sighed, "what would you like little man?" He shrugged, "cheerios?" I nodded, and went to the pantry to grab the box of cheerios and a bowl. I poured the Cheerios into the bowl and put it on his high chair tray. "Olls, ready to eat?" I asked cheerily, he nodded and let me pick him up and stick him into his highchair. I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some cheerios as well. I sat down and booped Oliver's nose. He giggled and threw a cheerio at me. I chuckled at him, and tossed one back. He laughed hysterically. "Mummy! You're not supposed to throw things at me!" He screeched. I giggled, "But, Ollie, you can throw things at me." I said jokingly. He rolled his eyes and squished his little cheeks, "I know Mumma. But since you're a mum now you have to be a good girl." He said thoughtfully. "Oh, well, in that case, we'd better not be late to grampy's house, you ready to go?" I asked him. He nodded, "yeah mummy, let's go, let me out!" I nodded and picked him up and put him back onto the ground. He ran to grab his shoes. I pulled my shoes on and grabbed Oliver's hand. We walked out of the house to the car, I buckled him in and ran back in to grab my beach bag and phone.

"Okay Olls, ready to go?" I asked, he nodded excitedly. "Great buds, and then mum's gonna go surfing and she'll find you a little sea shell at Tamarama." I giggled to him. He grinned at me and flapped his hands excitedly, "Mumma I want a pink shell!" He yelled. I nodded, "okay buds I'll try to get one for you." He smiled, and I pulled into grampy's driveway. "Okay, buds, we're at grampy's house, I'm gonna bring you into his house now and then I'm going to leave." He nodded and I pulled him out of the car. I set Oliver down and his hand slipped into mine. I walked him to the door and he knocked, a silent knock, nothing I could hear, I chuckled and knocked for him. Dad answered the door and a smile spread across his face, "Olivia, Oliver! So good to see you!" He exclaimed, before leaning down to kiss Oliver's face, "and you, little man, are goin to hang with me today." "Yeah grampa, let's go! Bye Mummy!" Olls called excitedly, running inside the house, "bye Ollie, have fun!" I called before hugging dad and shutting the door.

I skipped back to my car and jumped in, before excitedly pulling out of the driveway. I turned on the radio and rocked out to my favorite songs. Soon enough I pulled into Tamarama's carpark. I hopped out of my car and grabbed my board off the board rack. I grabbed my beach bag and basically just ran to the beach. I threw my stuff onto the sand and collapsed onto the sand happily. I smiled as I laid down in the sand, I put on my music and slipped into a sleep.

"Darling, are you alright?" I voice said. I looked up, sleepily. "Uh, yeah? Why wouldn't i be?" I sassed at the man. I looked at him and he smiled slightly, "oh shit, hi Harrison!" I exclaimed, "sorry about that." He chuckled, "nah it's fine, but how do you feel? You've been asleep the past hour, and it's 40 degrees!" I blinked, "well I'm probably a bit dehydrated, but I feel fine." He smiled, "Well that's good Olly." I smiled and shrugged slightly, "no big deal about that though, I can drink some water." He smiled, "Olly, make sure you do drink water, dehydration is serious." I shrugged, "I know mate," he chuckled at me, "You're not quite as professional today are you?" I shook my head, sitting up, "well I was on the job yesterday, and I'm off today so that probably has something to do with it." I joked. "Ah yeah," he chuckled, "well darling, drink some water, catch a wave, and have fun." I nodded, "okay mate, you'll have to watch me though." He smiled, "okay will do!" And he walked off back to the tower. I grinned, "he's so nice!" I whispered excitedly. I stood up, put on some sunscreen and grabbed my board.

I ran into the water and hopped onto my pink floral board. I paddled into the water and waited for a wave to come. I waited and sat up on my board, and then I saw a wave coming my way. I laid back down on my front and positioned myself to hit the wave. It hit my board and I slowly started to stand up. I smiled as I maneuvered my way through the wave and rode it back into shore. I walked back into the sand and sat down next to my bag. I heard a person come over from behind me, "Hey Olly!" Harrison said happily. I smiled and turned back around towards him, "Hi Harrison!" I trilled, smiling at him. "Olly, your wave was great! You did that amazingly." He smiled. I blushed slightly and thanked him before pulling out my small lunch. "Harrison, have you had your lunch break yet?" I asked him, he shook his head, "no, I haven't, I'm about to go on it, though, would you like if I sit with you?" I nodded, blushing slightly. "Yeah it'd be great to make another friend," he smiled, "okay Olly, I'm going to be right back, I'm gonna get my lunch and clock in my break." I grinned and nodded as he ran off.

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