103: Stringed Instrument Slasher

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TW: Mentions of Self Harm

Michonne and Dad wouldn't let Judith come on the journey to bring the newcomers to Hilltop, but somehow Michonne managed to invite herself. We took five horses and a caravan with us. I'm riding on Al Capony while Michonne and Siddiq are also riding on horses that aren't attached to the caravan. 

The twins did come on this journey with us, and I know once Daryl finds out about it he won't be thrilled. But I meant what I said to Siddiq. I can handle Daryl and any rage he throws my way about this. Currently the twins are sitting in the Caravan in between Yumiko, who finally woke up this morning, and DJ. The newcomers are in the back of the caravan conversing with each other.

Before going to Hilltop though we decided to bring the newcomers to their small camp that they claim they had so they could grab any belongings of theirs.

Michonne started asking how much longer it would take to get there and DJ had told us it shouldn't be too much longer if their story checks out. She had agreed that bringing them to Hilltop was a good choice and had seemed almost apologetic for not wanting them to stay at Alexandria. But today Michonne seems a lot more civil towards the group.

As we were riding, Michonne looked in the direction that Siddiq and I are in and spoke directly to us. "You'd feel better if you just say it."

Siddiq and I were originally confused on why Michonne would feel the need to come with us. We were even more confused when she agreed that bringing the group to Hilltop was good and okay. Especially with how she had treated this group when they arrived inside our walls.

"What makes you think I want to say something?" Siddiq asked her in his non-confrontational way. 

"I'm not hearing you deny-it." She shrugged. "Plus I'm pretty sure if anyone has something to say it'll be you, Nora. So out with it."

I just simply shrugged not wanting to start any arguments right now since my kids are right next to us. However when I didn't speak, Siddiq did. "I was gonna tell you that I'm glad you changed your mind about them."

"But you think we should've let them stay in Alexandria." Michonne commented.

"Yep." I popped the P at the end of my word before silencing myself again. Michonne then gave me an intense stare that told me she wasn't grateful for my attitude towards her. Well, Ditto.

"Well, you're going pretty far out of your way not to." Siddiq replied to her. "Considering."

"Considering what?" Michonne questioned completely monotone and emotionless.

"That you like these guys." Siddiq shrugged.

"Really? That's what you think?" Michonne slightly laughed. "I think you're thinking of her." Michonne then pointed to me.

"I do like them." I admitted. "Especially the one with the belt knife. She's crafty."

"She hid knives from us." Michonne groaned.

"And?" I laughed while questioning her. "Do you know how many knives I'm hiding on my person right now? A lot. I have my whole fanny pack full. I have three in each boot, one up each sleeve, two hiding in my pigtails, and four in holsters on my waist."

"Hold on a second." Kelly broke up our conversation by speaking and signing to her sister so she knows what we're saying. "Did you say you have knives in your hair?"


Yumiko then stared at me with a quizzical look. "And they just..... stay there?" I nodded at her question. "How?"

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