7: Overrun

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A few days later the Randall problem still wasn't solved. My father and Shane had left the other day to drop Randall off 18 miles away, but that trip apparently didn't end well. After that trip, Shane has become even more unhinged, more unstable. His nickname 'Captain Unstable' definitely applies now.

I've been trying not to focus on the fact that Randall is still here, but he seems to be the only thing people want to talk about. Now it's getting harder and harder to avoid listening to the conversations about what to do with him, since now everyone lives inside Hershel's house. Hershel offered for all of us to live in his house because winter is soon coming, and we quickly accepted it not wanting to freeze to death once the temperature drops.

Beth had offered for me to stay in her room. That lasted one night until Jimmy snuck in. I don't really want to get in the way of their bed shaking midnight routine. However Glenn was refusing to sleep in Maggie's room. I don't know why, everyone knows they're 'bumping uglies'. So I've been staying in her room.

It is weird not sharing with Daryl anymore, honestly I think I'll miss it. Not that I don't like Maggie. She's nice but oh boy does she like to talk, especially about Glenn. He may be my best-friend, my brother, but I do not need to know about his sex life. At least he has one though.

My father and the men decided that they would just try to drive Randall away again. They barely came back last time, so I really don't like this plan. It doesn't matter what I think though, whenever I try to express my opinion my father shuts it down, along with Captain Unstable. He may be unstable but killing Randall is the best choice, it won't put anyone here at risk.

I also hated this new rule my father made where I can't leave alone. I'm not going to run away again. I care about everyone here too much to leave again, and even though they won't admit it, they need me. I'm the only girl here who can actually defend themselves. Andrea isn't too far behind, but her cocky attitude gets in the way of her actually being able to defend herself well.

I am so tired of being cooped up on this farm, and I'm tired of constantly having a babysitter every time I go out.  I left the house while everyone was still inside and walked to the woods. I'm not planning on being gone long, but I need to get out for a while. I need a moment for myself, I need a moment to breathe. 

I found a big tree and started climbing it. I got to a high-ish branch that was sturdy enough for me to sit on it. I sat there for maybe about an hour with my eyes closed, listening to the sounds of the wind blowing leaves around. It was peaceful. Until it wasn't.

I heard a twig snap, I originally thought it could be a geek but when I opened my eyes I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Shane was leading Randall away from the farm through the woods. I heard Randall say something. "Oh man, you're gonna love it with my group."

Wait was Shane running away with Randall? That can't happen. I don't particularly enjoy Shane, but he is still part of my group. I slowly started making my way down the tree. I followed them for a little bit, before I decided to speak up. "Shane..." Both Randall and Shane turned around to meet my gaze. "Look, I know and you know that I don't really enjoy having you around. But it would hurt my family if you leave with him." I nodded towards Randall, who then spoke.

"Shut up bitch. When we get back, we'll be coming for you. We'll kill everyone you love and take you. In case you've forgotten you're mine now."

My mind traveled back to that night where the leader of Randall's group told me that I now belonged to Randall and that I was now his 'Toy'. I took a deep breath before calmly looking at Shane. "Is that the type of group you really want to be with? They will come here, kill every man. They'll kill Carl, and before that they will rape all of our women. I know you probably don't give a shit about me, but what about Andrea, or Lori? Do you really want that to happen to them?"

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