8: Parenthood

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Two Months Later.

It had officially been about two months since the farm was overrun, and my father became a dictator.  After his 'This isn't a democracy anymore' speech, I've noticed that most people in the group are scared of him. The only ones that aren't are Me, Daryl, and Carl.  Whenever anybody has news to give my father they use me as the middle man. I'm tired of it.

It has also been two months since Daryl and I kissed. However lately it's almost like he's been avoiding me, which is confusing. I mean when we kissed were we both caught up in the moment? Yes. That doesn't change how I felt about it though. Honestly it makes me feel like shit when he ignores me.

In this two month span we have been travelling house to house everyday. It's the middle of winter, so we need to find a place that is big enough for all eleven of us. Last night we stayed in a two story house, that Daryl cleared all by himself. It was infested with geeks, I'm just glad he made it out safe.

Last week I found a beautiful cherry red Suzuki motorcycle. I claimed it. With the help of Daryl, I hot-wired it. I think he may be jealous that mine is much prettier than his. However my Dad was not happy about my new found vehicle. He said he didn't want me on the back of one of those 'Death Traps'. He also hated it when I rode on Daryl's, but he got over it, he'll just need to get over it with my motorcycle too.

I heard Beth scream in terror, I whipped my head around to see that her and Maggie were on top of a truck in the middle of the road surrounded by geeks. Why can't we just have one easy day? I ran to my motorcycle with both my father and Daryl yelling behind me as I sped off to save the girls.

I brought two guns with me, along with three knives. I still miss the ones that Shane stole from me, but there's no sense crying about them. I started shooting any geeks that were close enough, and swerved through others. 

When I got close to the truck that the girls were standing on top of I yelled to them. "Don't move, I have a plan!"

"What!? Nora No!" Maggie called after me as I drove past the truck. I was now yelling to get the attention of all the geeks. When they started following me, I drove them somewhat far away before speeding back to help the girls. There were still a few geeks, not many though. I managed to shoot them as I approached the truck. 

I saw Daryl approaching us with his bike now too. I yelled to the girls. "Beth, get on mine. Maggie, Daryl will be here in a moment to get you!" Maggie nodded and pushed Beth into my direction. I waited until Beth was safely on the back of my bike before speeding away. 

As I was driving, she was holding onto my waist so incredibly tight. It almost hurt. Soon Daryl sped past me with Maggie on the back of his motorcycle. We then came to a stop at a nearby gas station. As we parked, I told Beth she could let go of me. 

I watched as she now opened her eyes and let go of me. She jumped off my bike and ran into her father's arms, just as Maggie did with Glenn. I then turned off my bike, kicked out the kickstand, and got off the bike. I looked over at my father who was glaring at me, but didn't approach me to argue right now. However I soon saw an angry redneck approaching me. "The hell was that?" Oh yeah he's definitely pissed, but honestly it's kind of nice to actually hear his voice again. The last two months he hasn't really talked to me at all. Just grumbles and groans.

"I saved Beth and Maggie." I said. I don't get why he's so mad though. It's not like he gives a shit about me, otherwise he wouldn't have stopped talking to me after we kissed.

"Ye could've gotten yourself killed!" He yelled at me.

"Well, I didn't. Nobody is hurt, everyone is still alive, that is what matters." I shrugged as I said that.

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