After few minutes passed, she felt his thumb pressing at her entrance. Seconds after, she felt some solid thing entering her pussy and filling it up. She was used to the drill by now. It was a long plug which Ajax would put inside her so that his seed wouldn't flow out of her body. He wanted to make sure that his sperms reach her egg and fertilize it.

After he was done plugging her, she felt him putting her legs down and closed her eyes. Few minutes passed and she felt him opening her legs. He had cleaned himself up and was now cleaning her down there with a soft wet towel.

He did his job and went back in the washroom. Coming back, he took a bottle of wine and poured himself a drink.

"Seriously! You are drinking right now?" She asked.

"I'm stressed!" He shrugged and sat beside her.

"And what is it that you are stressed about?" She didn't like that he was drinking a lot lately. He would do that whenever he was stressed but this was no reason to be stressed about.

"I want you to get pregnant soon. It already takes nine long months for a baby to be born and I can't wait that long" He liked the idea of her filled with his seed. He also liked the idea of her womb filled with his baby. It would be his souvenir and no man would look at her as long as she carried his child. Having her pregnant with his kid and giving birth to it gave him a sense of security that she wouldn't ever leave him.

"You are just an impatient bastard" She told him bluntly.

"Agreed!" He sipped his drink.

"I'm stressed too so I guess I also need a drink" She countered but he got worried.

He immediately kept his drink aside and pulled her up. "Why are you stressed love? You don't need to worry yourself about getting pregnant. It will happen when it's good for us. Stressing is not good for your body" He told her in a reprimanding tone.

She rolled her eyes. "Baby I don't want to spank you right now so behave!" He told her since she was already tired.

She pouted and he kissed it, sipping his drink again. "I'm not stressed but I want to drink it" She told him.

"You really want to have a repeat of what happened last time you drank" He reminded her.

"Ajaxxxx!" She whined.

"Alcohol is not good for your body"

"Yet you are drinking it" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm rigid and don't have an effect of a slight poison" It was right, he was trained for it.

When she didn't stop glaring at him he rolled his eyes saying; "Fine!"

"But only a sip okay?" She nodded.

He pulled her between his legs and she squealed; "You are naked!"

"So are you but you don't hear me complaining about it"

"It's because you don't give me clothes at night due to your pervert needs"

"You wanted a sip?" He warned.

She shook her head at his antics and held the glass but he didn't let go of it. He let her take only one sip and then immediately pulled the glass away. She scrunched her nose saying; "Bitter!"

"Coz it's pure alcohol!" He finished the glass.

"Your fruit bowl is in the fridge, let me get that for you" He put her beside him and got up from the bed.

"I don't want to eat them right now" She pouted.

"Baby you need it, your body needs energy" He told her taking the bowl out of the fridge. He was right, she did need energy after the sex they had tonight. At first he took her in missionary since it was the best position to get pregnant. It maximizes the penetration and also the chances of getting pregnant.

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