12~Your eyes are very beautiful

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I was sitting with Gigi and Shayla, when I finally realized that Nicole wasn't here. Which was a first because it felt like she was always here, but since my birthday I haven't seen her around. I turned to Gigi who was sitting on her phone. "Where's Nicole?" I was mostly just wondering, curious if you will. She looked back at me like I should know the answer to that question.

"Uh, her and Conrad got into some sort of fight the night of the party. They're done, something to do with Conrad just waisting her time." I haven't heard about that at all, Conrad has seemed normal basically another break up. I hummed in response looking back at her with a smile.

"I'll be back." She nodded with a smile back and I walked back towards the house.

In the kitchen Belly, Jeremiah, and Conrad were all standing in there. Belly mixing something in the mixer. Pomegranate? "You gotta use the good blender." I heard Conrad say and my eyes widened.

"That is a very bad idea." I entered the room.

"Yeah I haven't used that thing since the kool-aid debacle." Belly recalled the memory I was also thinking about.

"The counters were sticky for—two summers?" Jeremiah looked at Conrad for confrontation.

"Just about." He was seeming more like himself. "Dad kept his suitcase in my room for a year. 'As a reminder that not all mistakes are reversible.'" I missed when we all got along like this. These few moments felt almost normal.

"Wait won't he be mad if he find out?" Belly asked concerned.

Conrad had a daring look in his eyes and he looked at her. "Well he's not gonna find out. He's not coming." She shrugged with a laugh.


"Yeah." Jeremiah celebrates handing Conrad the pomegranate. Then Belly starts pouring the bottle of tequila, Conrad the put the lid on the blender.

    "We don't need another debacle." He joked, I can't believe we're doing this.

    "Man you know what I miss?" Conrad laughed. "Watching Laurel put dad in his place. She'd walk in and she'd be like 'Adam'." He said in a different voice making me laugh that was true. Mom was always hard on Mr. Fisher, she wanted him to be there for Susannah.

    "Adam," I hear confused. Mom? "You made it." I saw the emotion on Conrad's face immediately change. Why is he here?

"Happy fourth!" Jeremiah got up excited to hug his dad, Conrad just stood there.

"Dad! You came!" There was a difference between these two boys. You could tell, Conrad used to look up to his dad. No longer does he have that joy for his father anymore, I wonder how Susannah didn't know her own son knew about the affair.

    Mr. Fisher had good intentions with his boys I feel like, but Conrad had different feelings. "Hey, guys. Hey, Connie. I'll have a little of whatever you're mixing up there." Belly handed him a margarita glass.

    That's when I saw Conrad turn and go to leave the house and I followed behind him. He was walking towards the beach head down holding his hand to his chest. Confused I watched him for a moment, just tracking his movements and behavior. I've never seen him act like this and I was confused.

    "Connie?" I spoke and I thought maybe he couldn't hear me. "Conrad?" I spoke a little louder and he dropped to the sand.

    "L-Leave me alone Ollie." He sounded like he was out of breath, I couldn't just turn and leave now. I sat gently beside and I heard a quiet little gasp. That's when I got a look at his face, his eyes were watering and he was basically shaking.

    "Conrad what's wrong?" I was extremely worried now, I've never seen him cry. Not even over his mom chopping onions. "Connie?" I said again gently and he looked at me. He made eye contact then immediately broke it and shook his head.

    "It's a panic attack I'm fine." He closed his eyes and shuttered his breath once again.

    "I-should I get your mom?" He shook his head again this time quicker. "Um, what do I do to help you?" He looked at me and swallowed.

    "I don't know just keep talking." He rushed his words.

    "About what?" I am confused, concerned, and I didn't know what to do.

    "Anything." So just ramble? Hard for me but okay if it will help.

    "Um, I remember when Belly and Jeremiah were sick. You took me to go look for clams alone the beach and I didn't understand what exactly I was looking for. I also hate digging in sand," I smiled thinking about it. This was my main memory with Conrad. "So you dug the hole for me and found clams. Then left them on the top layer of sand so I could feel like I had found them myself. It was such a selfless, kind act that I hadn't gotten from boys before." He looked at me as I spoke, his eyes trailed along my face. I hated that his eyes were on me but if it helped him calm down, oh well. It made me a little nervous though that he was starring at me.

    "I didn't know you knew I dug them up." He laughed a little sounding a little more like himself.

    "It was a little obvious but I appreciated it." I looked back at him and gave him a small smile. His eyes were beautiful, I guess I've never noticed that before. Mostly because Jeremiah also has really pretty eyes. But I guess I was distracted by Jeremiah for so long I never gave Conrad a chance. I was never super close with him and it wasn't because of anything particular. Things just never clicked that way. His hair was fallen over his face, his eyes starring back at mine, his lips were perfect a little mole above them. "Are you okay?" He blinked a few times shaking his head like he was in a trance.

     "Yeah, yeah. Thank you." I nodded still looking at him, I heard our friend's voices and turned my head towards the entrance to the beach. "By the way, your eyes are very beautiful." He used his arms to push himself up off the ground. I felt a hot sensation against my cheeks, thankful he was walking towards the group and not looking at me. Because I was bright red with embarrassment or maybe flustered? I've never had anyone say something like that before.

The summer everything changed | CFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang