18~Please tell us

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    I sat down with Belly right beside Conrad as the escort dance started and my parents showed back up. To watch the boy's and girl do their dance for us. We all laughed so hard watching them do a choreographed dance. "You know what would make this better?" I laughed looking at Conrad who seemed like he was actually enjoying himself for once.

    "What?" He looked at me with the biggest smile I've seen this summer.

    "If you were out there." I laughed at the thought of Conrad doing what they are right now. It was so good but so bad at the same time, the most entertaining and rememberable thing ever. I was never gonna let them live this down.

    "Oh god no." He laughed as we both turned our attention to the end of the dance. I clapped so hard as Jeremiah looked over at Susannah with a puzzled look. Everyone dispersed amongst themselves, I sat pretty content. This is the happiest I've been all summer, the most I've ever enjoyed myself. Everyone sat down as we heard a glass start clinking. I looked over at Belly and tapped her arm.

    "I don't know where Jeremiah is." I got nervous, but I had to hold it together because he promised. He didn't just promise he pinky promised. He never broke those with me.

    "He'll be here in a minute, I'm sure. You girls go get ready." This was way more overwhelming when it came to me having to be the one dancing. While also not knowing where my escort disappeared to. I had faith and Susannah's pearls around my neck, this is perfect it has to be. I wondered on the floor for a moment.

    Looking at Belly standing with Cam and Steven with Shayla. I look like a fool right now, I am a fool. He left me stranded once and he's doing it again right now. But the most upsetting part was that I actually believed he'd be here for me. I wasn't even angry anymore, I was sad and embarrassed. Which was worse. I walked up to a group of the girls and asked.

"Have you seen Jeremiah?" They shook their heads.

"I think he went outside." Gigi spoke, for what? Why isn't he here again? I was starting to feel an overwhelming stabbing pain in my chest. I'm gonna cry. This can't actually be happening. I pinched myself, to make sure this wasn't some sort of freakish nightmare. I almost would rather it been that than real life. But I wasn't dreaming and he left me again, for last time that will I put up with it. He promised. Now everyone was ready to start and all eyes were on me. I've never felt so embarrassed before, I thought the first time he betrayed me was bad but this. This is worse for sure. Just as I let my head fall in disappointment, I heard.

"Um, may I have this dance." I looked up and Conrad was standing a few feet in front of me. A gentle comforting smile on his face as he stepped closer.

"I could kiss you right now." I couldn't even believe I said that, it was so quiet I was shocked he even heard me. But he grabbed my hand and squeezed it a little bringing a hope and happiness back to my chest. He lead me to where I was supposed to be standing and stood beside me. I smiled and mouthed.

"Thank you." He spun toward me holding out his hand, following the music. I did the same my dress spinning beautifully as I grabbed his hand again. I watched him the whole time concentrated as to not mess up. His body knowing the steps so well I hardly had to do any of the work. My eyes pinned to his like no one else existed. Right now it felt like it was just him and I in this room together. Our faces so close in certain moments I could hardly contain myself.

He spun me like it was the last time I'd ever experience this, we danced so close my forehead was almost resting against him. He kneeled and I walked around his, his eyes on me as I focused on my form. He stood up and we met again and he dipped me. Holding me around the waist to support me. We stayed like that for way longer than anyone else, just looking at each other. Then he brought me up and I spoke.

"Thank you." I didn't know what else to say or do. I know what I wanted to do, but my whole family was here. I could kiss him in front of everyone.

"I think I messed up some of the steps." He looked up at the ceiling awkwardly, he's nervous.

"You were absolutely perfect, Connie." I laid a hand on his chest. "I'm glad it was you."

"Me too." He grabbed my hands and I rested my head on his chest. Then Jeremiah walked up and I looked at him upset.

"Jeremiah where were you?" I asked my tone showing I was upset but he ignored me.

"Conrad we need to talk. It's important, it's about mom." I looked at him and Belly walked over to us to see what was going on. I looked at Jeremiah's puzzled look, what's going on with him?

"Um—yeah we'll talk about it later okay?" Conrad said back trying to push him off for now. Ignore what Jeremiah was saying, I think he wanted to stay in this moment.

"No it's important." Jeremiah was pushy and upset over something, Conrad looked at him to try and to coerce Jeremiah.

"It's okay." Conrad's voice was soft and understanding, Jeremiah's facial expression changed quickly. From upset to angry in just a second.

"You already know, don't you?" He was getting more upset the more he spoke. "You've known this whole fucking time!" I looked confused holding onto Conrad's hand.

"Known what?" I asked confused and Jeremiah had the most anger on his face I've ever seen.

"And you didn't tell me!" He shouted people were starring now.

"Jere—" Jeremiah takes a deep breath and then brings his arm up and punches Conrad right in the jaw. The sound echoed through the quiet room. That's when Conrad let my hand go and Jeremiah tackled Conrad to the ground pushing him by his waist. Growing the attention of both our moms. Susannah spoke up immediately.

"Stop it! Both of you stop it!" She pointed at her two boys on the ground. Conrad pushed Jeremiah off him with his foot. Jeremiah got back up to his feet quickly and Conrad sat on the ground for a second before pushing himself up. I stood completely frozen. "What is going on?" Susannah spoke in her scary mom voice.

Jeremiah spoke but shakily like he was gonna cry. "Mom?" Conrad looked at him for a second before taking over what Jeremiah was starting to say.

"We know mom. We both know." Belly, Steven, and I were standing all confused.

"Know what?" Belly was the brave one to ask.

"Please tell us." I spoke to them all looking at the two of us with a certain gaze.

The summer everything changed | CFWhere stories live. Discover now