9~Don't be a prude

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    As we showed up to the party it was quite loud, I road in the car with Conrad just because it seemed like the least awkward place. Ironically. But we were both very quiet, we didn't even exchange a word but it wasn't a bad thing. I didn't want to go with Jeremiah and Steven that's for sure. I walked in with Belly and Taylor though, I didn't have to say anything. But I was shocked when I saw two big ass cakes with 16 candles on them. Nicole and the other debs were standing by them.

    "Is this for me?"

    "Who else would they be for, Ollie?" Maybe she actually did like us? Maybe I was way too harsh earlier.

    "These cakes are amazing Nicole." Belly compliments as we grab each others hands and blow out the candles together. When we were younger the moms used to say if we held hands our wishes would have double the power and would be more likely to come true. So we believed them, my wish was stupid now. I always wished that Jeremiah and I would be friends forever, maybe even more. But now all I wished was for someone to like me for me. I sat and watched everyone have fun and drink, but I kept sober.

    "I never thought I'd see you again." I heard a voice and furrowed my eyebrows looking to see the guy from the last party I was at. "And I heard it's your birthday maybe?" Aiden, the cute boy with tan skin and honey brown eyes.

I smiled. "Yeah it is."

"Well happy birthday, I didn't get you a present sorry." He pulled out the liners of his pockets, I laughed.

"It's totally okay." I said with permanent smile on my face, could he be my wish? "It's overrated anyway, especially when everyone actually loves your twin sister more." He looked back at me confused.

"You're a twin?" I nodded and pointed to Belly. "Younger by 23 minutes, that's why I'm deaf." He looked even more confused, right he can't tell.

"You're deaf?" He asked with a laugh. "I feel like I just found out so much about you within less than two minutes." He joked as I heard Summer Nights start playing and Jeremiah grab a microphone.

"Summer loving had me a blast," I heard him start singing and I looked over at him confused as he sang to Belly. What's going on with you Jere?

"And is that your sister's boyfriend?" He questioned and I shook my head looking back at him.

"No that my best fri—a family friend. We grew up with him." I choked on my words, as Jeremiah looked over at me for once. I looked back at Aiden and smiled. "Our moms are best friends." I explained I don't know why that made me upset.

Thinking about Jeremiah has usually always made me happy, but lately I didn't know who he was. He would have never treated me the way he was now and I had no idea what I did to deserve this. He was texting me the night before we left for cousins. It's like he got one look of Belly and was brain washed. He had hardly talk to me the whole time I've been here. Everyone thought that Conrad had been the one to be weird but to me it was Jeremiah that was weird. I felt bad that I was getting distracted while talking to Aiden but I had a lot on my mind. It seemed like everyone did this summer. Eventually I saw Belly rush down the stairs a little distressed and I got concerned.

"Um hey, I might need to go." I stood up and he looked a little sad.

"Can I get your number first this time? So maybe I could talk to you?" I nodded handing him my phone for a moment so he could type in his number. Then with a smile and a wave I walked away, to see Belly leaving with Cam.

"Where's she going?" I asked Conrad or Jeremiah who were playing cup pong.

"Home, she got really upset about something with Taylor." He was completely hammered, I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Jesus Jere, you think you've had enough?" I questioned fanning his heavily alcohol breath from my face. He shook his head at me with a chuckle, as I grabbed the cup from his hand. I could see Conrad gazing over at us, I just wanted Jeremiah to talk to me.

"Hey what's your problem?" He said throwing his hands down like a toddler. Something unlocked inside me, something I've never felt before towards him.

"My problem! What's my problem Jere?!" I asked my voice raising, pointing to my chest. I could see Conrad's eyes widen from the corner of my eye. "What the fuck is your problem Jeremiah?" I asked him aggressively, my tone mad and my facial expression unclear to me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He spoke coldly, looking me dead into my eyes. His blue eyes remaining me of ice, cold hard ice.

"That is bullshit, you have ignored me the whole time I've been here. You haven't even said ten words to me, you didn't say happy birthday to me, and have been obsessed with Belly! You haven't even looked at me and from what I remember you said I was the prettiest girl you have ever seen! So I don't wanna hear any of this fake bullshit coming out of your mouth. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I got into his face, getting closer to him. He rolled his eyes at me and shook his head.

"Stop being a baby Ollie." This sounded a little familiar, it was very similar to what Conrad had said to Belly.

    "That's not what you said last summer when your hands were all over my body. 'You're so pretty Livvy, I wanna do so much with you.'" I was just spewing words at this point not even caring that Conrad was there.

    Jeremiah and I had a very intimate experience together last summer. We were sitting on the beach and well we kissed and more happened. We didn't have sex but we both thought about it, but I decided I should wait a little longer.

    "Don't be a prude." He said through his teeth and instantly I understood. It hitting me hard like a bus.

    "This is because I didn't have sex with you?!" I laughed angrily, angry tears prickling my eyes. I knew I had a feeling that our conversations hadn't been the same since then. We talked, told each other about our days, but we never really joked the same. Anger took over my body and I splashed the beer all over his shirt, throwing the cup at him.

    "Woah, woah, woah." Conrad walked over wrapping an arm around my waist easily lifting me up and pulling me away from Jeremiah. Who looked shocked but knew he deserved it you could tell, by the look in his eyes.


    "Jere you've done enough man." Is all I hear Conrad say to him.

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