10~You don't deserve that

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Conrad took me to his car and was gonna take me home, he started driving and asked. "Are you okay?" I looked over at him and shrugged.

"I don't think you're the one that has to worry about being like your dad." I'm not sure if that was the right thing to say, but that's what I was thinking.

"Do you wanna sneak out?" Jere asked as he cracked open my door, it was late. But I nodded and followed him out to the beach, running after him as he took off in a sprint. I laughed loudly, louder than I should have. I caught up to him and tripped him accidentally as I fell down right beside him out of breath.

    "You're such a cheater, it's not fair." I shoved him and laughed, he laughed with me. Honestly it's the most fun I've ever had in my life.

    "Well you're a quicker runner than I am, I had to make up for it somehow." He teased.

    "Maybe you're right." He muttered quietly, his radio wasn't loud enough to equal out how angry I just was. "What happened between you two?" He hesitantly spoke.

    "You're such a liar." I shook my head not believing him as he spoke to me.

    "I am not!" He defended, tucking the hair behind my ear. "You're so pretty Livvy, I wanna do so much with you." I could feel my heart pounding, my breath picking up as he leaned in closer to me.

He kissed me, soft and gently. His lips were the softest things I have ever felt, this is my first kiss. It couldn't have been any more perfect. His hand placed against my cheek and his thumb brushed against it. It started out soft and gentle, perfect enough for me to keep up with it. He moved slow, then his lips parted and mine did with them. I just followed his movements like my eyes would follow the ocean. It progressed quickly, but not too quickly for me. I got the hang of it and felt a heat of rush throughout my body.

My cheeks were warm I could almost feel myself getting lightheaded, but in a good way. The best way possible even. I grabbed his shirt with my hands for something to hold onto. His hand trailed up my arm in a way that sent chills straight down my spine. I wanted more quickly, I didn't know kissing was so good. I became a monster and placed his hand on my chest. I didn't think I'd ever find myself so consumed, I mean especially not so fast. I thought gradually I'd want this but as soon as he kissed me I felt the passion. I gasped when he kissed my neck, I know I wasn't his first kiss but it didn't matter. I wanted him.

"Exactly what I said." I looked up and sighed. "He kissed me, touched my boob, and I thought about having sex with him. I mean we both thought about it, definitely wouldn't have let that happen in the sand though. So we walked back up to the house and I decided I wasn't ready yet. He talked to me all the way till the day before we got here and I don't know got bored?" I shrugged, we were almost home. I could almost be done with this conversation. I was emotionally and physically drained, I've never felt like that before.

"Well I'm glad you stood up for yourself Olivia." I'm not sure why he said my full name but part of me really liked it. No one ever really called me Olivia, but it was nice to hear someone say it while also saying something good. "You've always had a hard time doing that and it probably wasn't the best thing you could have done." He chuckled making me smile. "But you stood up for yourself, you didn't let him push you around. Don't let guys treat you like shit you don't deserve that." I knew what that was angled around and I kinda wanted to hug him. For two reasons, one being I could tell his heart was there. No one has seen it this summer and I knew it was there. I wonder if Belly felt the way I did about Jeremiah right now with Conrad?

    "Thanks Connie." I wondered what he thought about me calling him that and he gave me a small genuine smile. He parked the car and looked at me, I want to kiss him. Oh no, dear good Olivia hold yourself together. I swallowed held the impulse in and wrapped my arms around his neck. I knew everyone was acting a little different this summer but to me he's the only one who's been okay.

    Don't get me wrong I can see his attitude towards other people, but he wasn't like that with me. He was more himself than I saw when he was with everyone else. He hugged me back as well as he could and he didn't let go till I did. "Thank you."

    "Y-yeah of course, I was coming here anyway." He scratched his neck, true but he still didn't have to. There was a long pause where he just stared at me and I took a breath realizing. We were thinking the same thing but to act on it would be insane.

He was with Nicole and neither of us needed it, he had Nicole. Don't even think about it, he had Nicole and Belly. Well Belly is still in love with him, I think. I couldn't tell who she really loved or had feelings for. Jere, Cam, or Conrad. But the only opportunity I had was Conrad. She had two boys chasing after her and I only had one in front of me right now. I hate this, I hate this summer, I hate everything about it. How different it is and how I'm feeling right now, I was so so close to betraying my sister. My twin sister. But thinking about what happened with Jere, Conrad was being more considerate. He is older, more mature, more experienced.

His were deep and soulful, they held so much emotion and something else I couldn't explain. He was stunning, his gaze burned mine. The tension was intense and when you read 'it can be cut with a knife.' It really does feel like it can be it's that insanely powerful.
There was a knock on the window that really startled me. I turned and saw Steven, which means Jeremiah was also home. Well there went the fun while it lasted, it was an—intriguing night for sure.

The summer everything changed | CFOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora