Part 57: Friends Reunite! A Cloudy Crossroads!

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Jaune: It really is you, right?

Ruby: It's us, Jaune...

You all hug.

Jaune: I always hoped I'd see you all again.

Y/N: How did you get here?

Blake: When did you become the Rusted Knight?

Yang: When did you get so...

Vice: Old?!

Ruby: What happened with Atlas after we fell?

Jaune: I... Guess we have a lot of catching up to do...

The group is walking while catching up with Jaune.

Ruby: So Salem and Giff have two Relics now?!

Yang: And with Cinder, she can get another.

Blake: They don't know where the Beacon Relic is!

Weiss: There's that to be thankful for at least.

Ruby: ... We lost Atlas and the Relic...

Blake: But we got everyone out safely. Jaune said so...

Weiss: But we risked their home for the Relic and we failed.

Blake: Saving everyone has to count for something.

Ruby: What's the point of saving anyone if Salem just destroys the world anyway?!

Yang: That's how Ironwood thought... You don't mean that...

Y/N: ...

Jaune: We need to move before the weather turns.

Yang: Where are we going?

Jaune: My village. I still can't believe you made it all the way from the Crimson Keep on your own.

Blake: Well we had some help from...

She notices the cat hasn't reunited with your group.

Blake: I hope the cat's okay.

Jaune: What cat?

Little: That cat!

The Curious Cat runs up.

Cat: Woo. I'm glad I caught up with you.

It notices Jaune.

Cat: Oh, Jaune. It has been quite the amount of time. How have you been?

Weiss: You know each other?

Ruby: From the story.

Jaune draws his sword.

Blake: Jaune!

Yang: It can get us to the tree!

Jaune: We need to get to my village. We don't need a guide.

Cat: But your friends wanted me to take them to the tree.

Jaune: That's where you were having it take you?

Blake: Well yeah... That's how Alyx got out, right?

Jaune glares at the Curious Cat.

Jaune: You didn't tell them anything.

Cat: That's simply not true. I told them many things.

Weiss: Can someone please make sense?

Jaune: The tree is death. It absorbs you, takes your memories, and turns you into something else. If you go there, it will erase you! They call it Ascension.

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