Chapter Three - Don't you cry

Start from the beginning

He opened his mouth to speak, but just then Carlisle walked out of the house. "Carlisle, is he alright?" Jacob asked rushing over to him. 

"Well for now yes, but he had awoken just after I finished bandaging him and he is completely terrified. I couldn't even get within five feet of him without him whimpering in fear as though I was going to harm him. And that's not even the strangest thing." Carlisle said thinking back to the boy and my eyes widened when I saw the boy, who looked strangely like Bella, sprout wolf ears and a wolf tail. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well he somehow sprouted wolf ears on the top of his head and a wolf tail." He said and I could hear everyone's shocked thoughts, besides Bella and Alice, who I'm guessing knew about this. "Edward, could you try and listen to his thoughts and figure out why he is so afriad?" He asked and I nodded closing my eyes so I could concentrate. 

What if he is going to send me back? I heard once I managed to focus in on his thoughts. Which was incredibly difficult. Almost as though he had some sort of shield blocking them. If he was going to do that, then why did he attend to your wounds? Maybe so HE could have fun reopening them all? After that thought I couldn't but help and feel anger towards whoever HE was, but couldn't figure out why. Izzy, where are you? I need you. His thoughts whimpered before going blank. 

I reopened my eyes and looked at all the eyes staring back at me. "It seems that he thinks you are going to send him back to whoever hurt him." I said and Carlisle frowned slightly. 

"Is there anything else?" 

"Only that he wants someone named Izzy." I said and saw as Bella froze. "Bella what is it?"

"What does he look like?" She asked almost too quietly for any of us to hear her. 

"Why does that...?"

"WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE?!" She yelled glaring at me. 

"Bells, it's Danny." Jacob said and not a second later Bella was rushing into the house.


"Only that he wants someone name Izzy." Edward said and I froze remembering my little brother always called me that before he was kidanpped four years ago.

"What does he look like?" I asked barely able to speak and almost couldn't hear myself.

"Why does that...?" Edward started, but I interupted him.

"WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE?!" I yelled glaring over at him. 

"Bells, it's Danny." Jacob said and not a second later I rushed into the house and toward the medical room. I slammed the door open, so hard I'm surprised it didn't break through the wall. My eyes quickly scanned over the room and saw him curled in a ball in the corner. He was staring at me with fearful eyes and his whole face was wet from tears. 

"Danny. Sweetie, it's me...Izzy." I said softly crouching down low so I wasn't much taller than him as I remembered that had always helped him when he was scared. 

"I-Izzy?" He asked hickuping from all his crying. 

"Yes, Sweetie." I said smiling with my mouth closed and sat down on my knees with my arms open wide. He stared at me for a few moments, probably to make sure it was me before uncurling himself and slowly crawling over to me until he was practically in my lap and I wrapped my arms around him. As soon as my arms were securely around him, he put his head against my shoulder and started crying again. I started rocking us back and forth as I ran my hands through his hair, avoiding his wolf ears, which reminded me I needed to ask him about that, and started singing the song I always did when he was scared or sad. (You should play the song on the side now)

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