Thirty Four -

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The arrival back to King Landing had been hectic for the Queen who had refused to leave her son's side for two days now. Both sisters had ignored her as they left for their own wing in Magors Hallfast as they got ready for the meeting that would be occurring later in the day. "Sister... will Aemond not see anymore?" Aegon asked from where he played with Jace.

"No, he has lost his eye, Aegon!" Rhaella told him as she braided Elaenas hair. "Mother keeps pushing for us to claim a dragon... I do not know why?" Aegon added as he went back to playing with his toys as Jace and Luke played with one another. Both sisters shared looks at what Aegon said.

The meeting had started with everyone in the room some of the men in the council looked bored and seemed to wish to be elsewhere as Bessbury spoke of how the coin had been misplaced and blah, blah, blah. Before anything else could happen the others opened revealing Alicent her eyes puffy from crying as she sat down next to Viserys. "I have heard what happened to Prince Aemond... My sincere apologies!" Tyland smiled at the Queen who did not return it as she placed her glass ball down.

"I did want to bring a proposition now that Alicent is here!" Rhaenyra spoke as she stood everyone's gaze on her as they waited for her to speak. "A betrothment between my eldest son Jacaerys and my sister Helaena!" Everyone in the room went silent at the Princess's suggestion. "Princess, with all due respect the marriage for Prince Jacaerys should bring an alliance to the Kingdome! Perhaps one of the Velaryon twins or one of the daughters from a High Lord?" Lord Beesbury spoke.

"We already had a marriage that brought nothing to the Kingdom!" Lord Caswell added. Alicent on the other hand seemed to be in deep thought at the proposition of Rhaenyra. Alicent had no idea if she were to wed Helaena and Aegon if their children would have Targaryen features or her Hightower. She could not risk it once Helaena gives Jace an heir they could get rid of the boy and have her blood on the throne... It could work. "It is not uncommon for us Targaryen to marry between one another after all we must keep our blood purely Valyrian," Rhaella spoke as some of the councilmen gave one another a look.

"I agree, stepdaughter! Allow us to join our family together once more!" Alicent smiled as Rhaenyra sat down. "What of your other children Princesses? Have they been betrothed as well?" Tylans asked after all he had a son around the age of Alyssa and a marriage between house Lannister and the Starks would be beneficial. "They are!" Rhaenyra and Rhaella spoke at the same time earning the attention of Viserys. "To whom?" The King asked.

"Well, Jace is now betrothed to Helaena... Laena and I spoke a few years back and betroth Luke and Rhaena they should be the next Lord and Lady of Harrenhal. Visenya and Joseph and Aegon and Elaena should be the first Lord and Lady of the StepStones!" Rhaenyra smiled as many of the men in the council room looked at one another any chance of them betrothing their own children to the Princess was out the window now. "What of Alyssa and Baelon?" Tyland asked hoping that his plan could still work. "Alyssa should wed who she wishes as per tradition in the North and as for Baelon he is betrothed but we should not know until Rhaenyras name day!" Rhaella smiled.

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